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‘In his estate shall the King honour a god of forces, even a god whom his predecessors knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and things desired.’—Daniel 11: 38.


            The Old Testament name for the Eyes and Mouth of the Little Horn—Daniel 7: 8, which are commonly called the Pope, is in Hebrew ELOAH MAHUZZIM, rendered in the common version, ‘a god of forces.’ He is also termed ELOAH NAIKAR, a Strange or Foreign God. The King or Little Horn was to honour him in his estate or kingdom, to acknowledge him, and to increase him with glory. All this has been literally accomplished as we have abundantly shown in Elpis Israel.


            Eloah Mahuzzim is a very appropriate title for the Italian Overseer. Eloah is a passive participial noun, and used as a title to Christ as cursed by the law for his hanging upon a tree—Meshiach eloah limmennoo—Messiah cursed for us. Hence ELOAH signifies an accursed one, or a god, accursed because he would speak marvellous things against the God of gods—Ail ailim. Christ and Antichrist therefore are denominated ‘cursed,’ but on different grounds—Christ, because he became a curse for us by hanging upon a tree—Galatians 3: 13; and Antichrist, because of his blasphemy against God.


            The papal Eloah is styled the Accursed One of Mahuzzim. This word signifies protectors, defenders, guardians. The Pope is the Head of these—the Chief on earth of the clan of Guardian Saints, therefore a god of guardians. These guardians are thus spoken of by Chrysostom in his Homily on the Martyrs of Egypt; ‘The bodies of those saints fortify the city more effectually for us than impregnable walls of adamant, and like towering rocks placed around on every side, repel not only the assaults of enemies that are visible, but the insidious stratagems also of invisible demons, and counteract and defeat every artifice of the devil as easily as a strong man overturns the toys of children.’ The Greeks and Latins made the most of these wonderful martyrs. They sent their ghosts to heaven to act as mediators and intercessors, and kept their bones and dust on earth to guard them from the ills that flesh is heir to! They were a cheap fortification for a city, church, or country, requiring no rations, and more effective, if Chrysostom be believed, than a whole host of living warriors armed to the very teeth! St. Patrick of Erin, St. George of England, St. Andrew of Scotland, St. Denis of France, &c., with the reigning Pope, is the definition in fact of Daniel’s ELOAH and his Mahuzzim.



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