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            Mr. B. C. Carillon, minister of the Jewish Synagogue at St. Thomas’, in a letter to the Occident, in which he repudiates the divine authority of the Talmud, and contends for the supremacy of the Law and the Prophets, says, ‘The divine, pure, and perfect code of Moses is destined to be at a future period the code of all mankind.’ He concludes his letter to the editor by ‘Hoping that the God of our fathers will soon reunite us with our blessed Palestine, under the sway of our King Messiah.’


            There is more truth than fiction in Mr. Carillon’s prediction concerning the Mosaic Law. The Feast of Tabernacles and Levitical Sacrifices are enjoined by the code of Moses; and Zechariah testifies that—

‘Every one that is left of all the nations, which came against Jerusalem, shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. * * * And they that sacrifice shall come and take of them, and seethe therein’—Zechariah 14: 16, 21.

The Mosaic Law amended so as to harmonise with the truth in Jesus, but not the entire original statutes, will become the code of all nations, in the time when ‘it (the Law) shall go forth from Zion, and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem.’


            The conclusion to his letter is one in which every one can heartily join who believes the Gospel of the Kingdom. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are his ‘fathers,’ in a higher sense than Mr. Carillon, as a natural Jew, can claim. Palestine is the land of the true believer’s adoption, and he longs to be united to it, not simply to be ‘under the sway’ as a mere subject, but to be associated with Messiah in his kingly and priestly offices, as joint-rulers with him of Israel and the nations of the earth.



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