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Dear and Respected Brother:

            Many thanks to you. I trust I may yet have it in my power to prove my attachment and love to you, as having been the means of showing me the way of life: and above all, as being champion of the faith. Every day I feel stronger in the conviction that ours is the ‘one faith’—‘the truth,’ which, when understood and believed in, makes a man ‘free indeed:’ free from all the superstition and priestcraft, doctrines of devils, &c., which enshroud in darkness and mystery the poor deluded creatures, who hope to inherit they know not what.


            When I read some of the ‘commentaries’ on the scripture—‘explanatory notes’ of those who set themselves up as teachers and pastors, I am filled with something akin to indignation, seeing the manner in which the plain word of God is wrested, spiritualised, and made void, in order to suit their theories. Zeal for the truth, I trust it is, which causes this feeling to arise. ‘The meek shall inherit the land,’ says our blessed Redeemer. He means any thing else but what he says, the learned commentator would have you to believe. Oh, I believe they will have much to answer for this on this score. I do not believe, but that in studying the scriptures, time and again, their judgment and conscience have protested against their so wilfully perverting the word of God to suit the doctrine they held and taught: and I am satisfied this is the secret of their abhorrence of controversy. They know their weakness; learned in the wisdom of this world as they may be.


            I can imagine how that one who ‘knows and understands the Law and the Testimony’ would ‘use them up,’ if they would dare to try the rotten wooden swords of ‘the fathers’ and ‘tradition,’ with ‘the two-edged sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.’ Catch them at it! Their ideas of ‘earnestly contending for the faith,’ seem to consist in denouncing every thing as heretical, soul-destroying, and awful doctrine, which clashes, or is opposed to, their theories; instead of proving them to be such from scripture.


            You would be much pleased to read some portions of a book by Dr. Candlish, the great Presbyterian Free Church preacher of Edinburgh, on the Book of Genesis. It is wonderful how clear he is about ‘the inheritance promised to Abraham.’ If I thought he had never seen Elpis Israel, I would mail him a copy of it. Oh! That absurd, and vain conceit, immortal-soulism, what bright minds and noble intellects has it overshadowed and darkened! Were it not for this, how many would quickly see the truth! I am led to exclaim thus, when I perceive how the mind of Candlish is spoiled by this vain philosophical notion. The subjoined extracts I hope will please you if you can manage to decipher them, my only excuse for their hieroglyphical appearance being extreme haste—stolen time in fact.


            Next Lord’s day Mrs. H—becomes obedient to the faith. I believe I am to be privileged to assist her. I conceive it to be the duty, as well as a privilege, for a baptised believer of the gospel of the kingdom to assist another in rendering this indispensable obedience. Nor is it necessary, I judge, that a person should be ‘set apart’ by any body of believers, and retained as a minister, in order to qualify, or privilege, him to baptise.


            Hoping soon to hear from you, I remain yours sincerely and affectionately for the truth’s sake, as well as your own,

J. R. L.

Halifax, Nova Scotia, August 17, 1852.


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