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            The thirteenth article of the creed of the “Beth Elohim” synagogue of Charleston, S. C., is, “We believe that the Soul is immortal, and that we shall be accountable for our actions in the life to come.” Upon this the Editor of “The Occident,” a Jewish periodical, in writing to the Chazan, remarks, “It is certainly not what we have a right to expect from a Jewish divine who professes to teach religion as he has received it. Our creed is: ‘I believe with a perfect faith that there will be a revival of the dead at the time it may be the pleasure of the Creator, whose name be blessed, and whose memorial be exalted for ever unto all eternity.’ The immortality of the soul is an idea which many of the heathens believed in; but the resurrection is a peculiar Jewish doctrine, and to this we must profess ourselves as sons of Israel. Do you believe it? Or think you that they who sleep in the dust of the earth will not arise to everlasting life?” Yea verily; “the Hope and Resurrection of the dead” are the subject matter of the promise made of God to Israel’s fathers. They pertain to Israel—the immortality of an hereditary essence called “soul,” to the worshippers of calves and swine!