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"If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” —1 John 2: 15.


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            “Our immediate duty, privilege, and honour,” saith President Campbell, “is most obvious. We are first to understand the Bible ourselves, and then endeavour to make others understand it.” This is true as the needle to the magnetic pole; and if our conscientious friend had attended to his most obvious duty, we are of opinion he would either have come to different conclusions than are contained in his “Sacred History,” or the world would have been ignorant of his existence to this day. His duty is still “most obvious”—it is, “physician, heal thyself.”



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            If Satan enslave Satan what is that to thee? Leave his victims to the tender mercies of his philanthropists; they will embroil him sufficiently: but do thou seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all else shall be added unto thee in due season, if thou faintest not.


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            The prevailing belief among Christians in the second century in regard to the state of the dead, is thus set forth by Dr. Giesler: —“Till then (that is, till the “first resurrection,”) the souls of the departed were to be kept in the under world, (sheol or hades, the receptacle of dead bodies,) and the opinion that they should be taken up to heaven immediately after death was considered a Gnostic heresy.”—Eccl. Hist., Vol 1., p. 167.


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            “A new speaker of truth is as an angel sent by God to trouble the waters of thought, and after the troubling there is healing for those who first step in. For some few years or generations, the waters retain their efficacy, but then again need a new troubling by some prophet or wise man. When Christ cam he permanently troubled the waters of the world’s life, yet ever and anon there have needed to be more troublings.”—Memorials of Theophilus Trinal.


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            Mental conservatism, like arsenic, preserves form, but is inimical to life and progress. The man who never changes his opinions (if such an anomaly exist) is a mere intellectual mummy. Man in his intellectual, as in his physical entity, is an imperfect being; and that which is imperfect is mutable.”—Edward’s Essays on the Divine Power.


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                        “No murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.”—1 John 3: 15.