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“The little horn of the goat cast down the truth to the ground; and it practised and prospered.”—“And the little horn of the fourth beast, having eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking great things against the Most High, made war with the Saints, and prevailed against them, until the Ancient of Days came.”—DANIEL.


           Yea, verily, “truth is mighty, and will prevail;” but its prevalence awaits the Ancient of Days. Its advocacy is committed to the saints, who are styled “the wise.” The fortunes of the truth, and of those who witness for it, are identical and inseparable. The truth cannot prevail until the saints get the victory over “the powers that be,” by whom falsehood is tricked out in scarlet and fine linen, invested with honour and “respectability,” and sustained in the world for the idolatry of the people. That power among the nations which episcopises them, and speaks very great things, whose look is more audacious than its associate powers, makes war with the saints, and prevails against them until the Ancient of Days comes, when judgment is given to them, and they possess the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, forever—Daniel 7: 20-22, 27. The truth will then be no longer scoffed at, trampled under foot, and despised. Mean men with great names and high sounding titles, will then be stripped of their finery, and be seen shivering in the chilling blast of divine indignation. Spoiled of all their bravery, they shall walk naked, and men shall see their shame—Revelation 16: 15. But before this triumph can be proclaimed, the Lord, who is the strength of his people, must appear. “Thanks be to God, who giveth us the victory, through our Lord, Jesus Christ.” The truth is mighty through his cooperation, as evinced in apostolic times; but in his absence, Satan is too strong both for the saints and the truth committed to their defence. The time has come that men have no ear for the truth—that is, for the gospel of the kingdom. It is “new doctrine” to them, and needs to be reattested as the truth of God. A few will receive it, and but a few, compared with the multitudes that are ever ready to embrace the shallow and flimsy traditions of men. This has ever been the case; but it is pre-eminently so now, as Paul declared it would be when “the fulness of the Gentiles” should have come in. That “fulness,” if it have not reached the brim, needs, it is probable, but few more drops to fill up the appointed measure. The time of “the fulness” is indicated by the disregard of the gentiles to the goodness of God, which alone leads men to repentance unto life. That goodness is exhibited in the Gospel of the Kingdom, which John the baptiser, Jesus, and the apostles both before and after Pentecost, preached as the motive principle of repentance towards God. But this goodness in his gospel is neither understood nor believed by the Gentiles. They have not therefore “continued in his goodness;” but continue in traditions which have made the testimony concerning it of none effect upon their minds. And should Judah be broken off for this offence, and the Gentiles continue unpunished? If God spared not Judah for her unbelief, will he spare the nations? No, saith Paul, he will cut them off from access to the kingdom, and graft Israel in again—Romans 11. The impotency of the Gospel of the Kingdom upon the public mind and the hearts of individuals, is a great sign of the times; and indicates that the hour of God’s judgment is at hand, when He will through his saints execute the judgment written—Psalm 149, and make his truth prevail.



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