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“Seize on Truth wherever found,

On Christian or on Heathen ground.”


Alabama, September 1st, 1851.


Dr. Thomas, Dear Sir: —Permit an humble inquirer after truth to occupy a column of your truthful “Herald,” while endeavouring to search the scriptures to find the truth “as it is in Jesus.”


“Search the scriptures,” said the Son of God, “for in them ye (Jews) think ye have eternal life, and they (the scriptures) do testify of me (i.e. Christ). “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.” And, “Ye will not come unto me, that ye might have life.” “Thy word, Lord, is truth.” And thus saith the Lord Jesus to those who believed on him: “If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Pilate saith unto Jesus, “What is truth? Art thou a king?” He answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. I came into the world to bear testimony unto the truth; and because I (Jesus) tell you the truth, ye believe me not, because there is no truth in you.” Thus did Christ teach, and much more, to show his disciples what was truth, and how they were to obtain immortality and eternal life. Truth, then, is the great central point—the “sine qua non” to be received, believed in, walked in, and obeyed, to entitle us as dying children of Adam to an inheritance in the kingdom of heaven, a crown of glory, when Christ shall appear to be glorified of all his saints.


The truths of God as revealed in his word, are of all things the most important to mankind; without a knowledge of which, and hearty belief thereof, “it is fearful to live or die.” Truth is verily the brightest gem that could adorn the crown, or sparkle in the attire of immortality. It is as immutable and eternal in its nature as the throne of God, which is forever. With what earnestness, what zeal, yea, what determination, then should we search for the truth, believe and defend it. We should rise up early, sit up late, and eat the bread of carefulness; leave no means untried, no stone unturned, that our hearts may receive the precious boon, and be made to rejoice in the hope of Israel, “the hope of the glory of God.”


How much simplicity, what beauty and what power in the truths of the gospel! They are the wisdom of God, and the power of God unto salvation to all who believe; and would be much more intelligible to us, if they had not been learnedly obscured by ingenious and designing men, whose interest has been to throw dust in the eyes of the people, and spread a cloud of darkness and mystery over the “lively oracles.”


We hear learned bishops, theologians, priests, and people, discourse about the truths of God, the Gospel of Christ, the doctrines of Grace, of Heaven, of Hell, the destiny of righteous and wicked men, immortality and eternal life, as if everything was according to their preconceived opinion. Men talk about this church and that church; our church and your church; our religion and your religion; as though there were many churches, and more than one religion, “one Lord, one faith, and one baptism.” Papacy claims that out of her pale there is no salvation. Episcopacy, “without Bishops no church,” and that out of her jurisdiction it is fearful to live or die. Campbellism, following in the wake, says, believe with us on the “Apostate,” the head of our church; be regenerated, and saved by baptism. The Baptists, Presbyterians, and Methodists, all have their creeds, which teach a belief in Gods many, Lords, faiths, and baptisms, more than one. Thus, as it were, dividing the body of Christ, the one true church, into a thousand fragments. We cannot imagine how mankind can have such diverse and distorted views of the Church of Christ, or about it, unless it is that they have not “Christ formed in them the hope of glory;” and no conception of “what is truth,” or what constitutes the Church of Christ.


Yours, truly,                                                                                                     N. P.



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