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            Our friend, the president and Professor of “Sacred History,” speaking of the translation of Enoch and Elijah, saith, “Their bodies, souls, and spirits, were alike taken up to heaven; but their bodies and souls were changed into a glorious harmony with their spirits. They assumed a new costume, and appeared in anew style, without the evaporation or annihilation of a single element essential to their individual and proper personalities.”—Chr. Age, Jan. 22, ’52. This account of the change they underwent is possibly correct, though we have our doubts. We would, as Kossuth says, “obsequiously” inquire, Is it certain that they “were changed into a glorious harmony with their spirits? Might the change not rather have been “into a glorious harmony with the Spirit;” seeing that Paul saith, “He that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting”—Galatians 6: 8? But, perhaps, in “this age of light and refinement” the idea of the Apostle is to be regarded as antiquated and unsuitable, and as not at all in harmony with “Sacred History” as exhibited in the prepared discourses of our mystic friend. Laying the Apostle on the shelf then, will he as the light of this cloudy day—“the great light of Bethany,” as he is styled—condescend to shine into our darkness, and tell us where in all the Bible we may find the testimony that affirms the transformation of the bodies and souls of Elijah and Enoch “into a glorious harmony with their spirits?” we have not discovered it; still it is possible “ ‘a that” that it may be there. But, after all, this is an age of wonder calculated to deceive almost the very elect, the idea may be a new revelation to our imaginative friend himself! We cannot, however, but regard it as a very incongruous arrangement of heavenly things that Enoch, Elijah, Moses, and Jesus, with those who came out of their graves after the resurrection, should all be themselves bodily in heaven, with no other company from earth but “disembodied ghosts!”



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