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Brother Thomas—Dear Sir: —I embrace the opportunity of Brother Scott’s letter to send you a few common-place observations and experiences.

In a word, the great cause progresses in Canada West slowly, but surely. By the circulation of some twenty thousands of the "Coming Struggle"—principally your edition of it—the minds of the great mass of the people have been turned to the attention and examination of the "good time coming." Also, not a few of the clergy, seeing the way the wind is blowing, have taken up the tune, and discourse ineloquent music—but it is mixed up with a great deal of nonsensical stuff. Still, I think the people in this question are considerably wiser than their teachers. But I must make a notable exception in the person of James Inglis, lately of Detroit, but now minister to the Baptist church in Hamilton. I am somewhat convinced that he understands the Gospel of the Kingdom—is enthusiastic about it, and proclaims it with its obedience daily. Then again, there is his brother David Inglis, of the Free Church in Montreal, who very well understands the prophetic Word, and longs for the realisation of the promises made to the fathers, but of course he is immersed in the destructive notions of baby-sprinkling, &c. Altogether, I am happy to intimate that the soil in Canada is being well prepared, and the "good seed of the Word" may germinate and bring forth not many days hence. And what you ask has been particularly done in the sowing department. Besides Mr. Inglis’ predilections as aforesaid, he has a pamphlet in the press on the "Great Salvation," a copy of which you will receive in due time He is also projecting a monthly journal to be devoted to the subject. Under considerable opposition, brother Scott has been holding forth at Paris. Your humble servant too has been doing a little. For sounding forth the Gospel of the Kingdom and its obedience within the holy precincts of the Campbellistic sanctum in Toronto, he was "cast out;" nevertheless, the truth laid hold of not a few, and some submitted to its influence. I may state that the old gentleman who presides over its destinies (not Mr. James Leslie, for he presides over the disciples of the old stamp) is one of our Canadian nabobs, and is presently aspiring to the honours of an M.P.P. He is mad against the proclamation that the "Lord Jesus is coming soon with ten thousand of his saints to execute judgment" and "reign in Mount Sion—in Jerusalem, and before his ancients, gloriously." In fact, he by no means relishes the idea that his large tracts of land lying around the basin of Lake Huron are not worth any more than a dozen years’ purchase. I have also been sounding forth the proclamation of the blessed gospel in many of the towns and villages of this promising "province of the British empire." Although the folks generally are very obtuse, by reason of the erroneous teaching to which they have all along been subjected, yet I am pleased to state they listen to me and others similarly engaged, patiently, attentively, and sometimes absorbingly. Still I am aware that it is the novelty of the statements which attracts their ear; but the moneycrats amongst them, when, like our would-be M.P.P., of Toronto, they must give up their lease of this world’s goods, gear and property, and take up their cross and follow the meek and lowly Jesus from the cross to the crown, they don’t like it, but bellow forth, "Heresy and heretics." But the truth, notwithstanding, shall search out the precious gems which will dazzle in the courts of the heavenly Jerusalem!

Dear Brother, I see no reason why you should permit MacLean of Toronto, and a host of other publishers, here, there, and everywhere, to manufacture their bread and butter out of your brains. Permit me to suggest at this juncture, that if you could yourself get up a quarter’s worth of valuable matter for the use of the people as such, I could assure you, that in Canada at least (where Dr. Thomas is beginning to be generally and favourably known) it would meet with most extensive circulation; and as a consequence, your Elpis Israel and Herald will be more sought for by and by.

May God our Father bless and protect you in the great work in which you are engaged, till the day of Christ.

Yours, in the patience and kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,


Paris, C. W., December 26, 1853.

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