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Dr. Thomas—Dear Sir: —This “Great Eastern Question” seems to be an insoluble conundrum to many; but for myself, I was perfectly prepared for its solution from the beginning, consequent upon the perusal of your deeply-wrought work, “Elpis Israel,” some two years ago, and which is now endorsed by the celebrated Dr. Cummings of London, England, in respect to the fulfilment of prophecy.

Persons generally laugh at the idea of Russia being victorious, and outmanoeuvring the Anglo-French league; but all that surprised me was, that Nicholas did not seize Constantinople when Menschikoff left.

It is a gratification to all authors to know whether their works are read, and how prized. I must therefore tell you that I have read “Elpis Israel” through three times; and though I do not endorse all it contains, still, I believe it to be the best exposition of the Bible extant; and if I could not obtain another copy of it, I would not accept a hundred dollars for the one I possess.

With sincere wish for the prosperity and advancement of the word you are teaching, I remain, Dear Sir,

Very faithfully yours,


Buffalo, N.Y., February, 1854.



The confirmation of my interpretations of the "sure word of prophecy" by current events in the Old World, is demonstration strong, that prophetic Scripture is intelligible; that the future may be known before it comes to pass, and that the principles of interpretation by which I expound the word are correct. Alexander Campbell, William Miller, Dr. Cummings, John Wesley, et id genus omne, with the innumerable crowd who have adopted their religious opinions, have never been able to appeal to such a test, confirmatory of the scripturality of their positions. Six years ago in my lectures, and four years since in my Elpis Israel, I showed by interpretation of the prophecy of THE FROGS in Revelation 16, what has actually evented in the Orient, and the part France, Turkey, Austria, and the Pope were to play in the affair. It is therefore no presumption to say that the interpretation given by me is the only true one. No other writer on the Apocalypse ever caught a glimpse of its signification. It is the great Sign in the Heaven foreshadowing the appearing of the Son of Man as a thief. The evolution of the Sign is continuous with existing diplomatic workings until they have involved all the Powers of "the habitable" in war. When this result is consummated, "the Sign," or symbol, will no longer be seen "in Heaven." Manifestations from Austria and the Pope are yet wanting to complete the Sign. Austria will prove treacherous to the Western Powers; for with France she must come into collision at last. The Pope will not be an idle and indifferent spectator of events. His policy will expedite hostilities between the French and Austrian Horns of the Lamb-Horned and Dragon-speaking dominion; and then "the House that Jack built" will be wrapped in flames. "Seeing then we know these things before," let us be mindful of the exhortation which says, "Beware lest ye, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own steadfastness."—2 Peter 3: 17. "Blessed is he that watcheth," and prepares for what is sure to follow soon—prepares, by belief of the gospel of the kingdom, and obeying it in love of the Lord’s appearing.



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