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Nine months before this date the celebrated Passover from which Ezekieldates his thirtieth year was held in the 18th of Josiah, king of Judah’s reign. Henceforth Jehovah punishes Israel seven times, or 2520 years, for their sins.

3478 608 The 4th of Jehoiakim, and 1st of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign. The subjection of the nations to his regime for 70 years begins. Also the Seven Times of the kingdom of Babylon, during the greater part of which it is the Tree-Stump banded with Iron and Brass.
3479 607 A representation is made to Nebuchadnezzar in a dream of the destruction of the Babylonian dominion by the Kingdom of God in the Latter days.


557 The 1st of Belshazzar’s reign. It is shown to Daniel that the power of the Kingdom of God for the consumption and destruction of the Babylonish empire will be manifested through the Son of Man, the Holy Ones, and their people, at the end of 1260 years.
3532 554 The 3rd of Belshazzar. It is revealed to Daniel that sacrifice should be abolished, the temple again destroyed, the law suppressed, and Judah and the Holy Land trodden under foot 2300 years by the fourth Babylonian regime more especially; and which should be afterwards overthrown by Judah’s Commander-in-Chief.
3548 538 The end of Nebuchadnezzar’s dynasty. The 1st of Darius the Mede. It is revealed to Daniel what should come to pass in relation to the Son of Man during the last seven years of the first 490 years of the 2300 evening-morning: and before the abolition of Mosaic sacrifice, the precise time of which, called "the day and hour," is not revealed.
3551 535 The 3rd year of Cyrus, or first of his sole reign. The characteristic features of the 2300 years that remain over from the fall of the Persian administration are revealed to the prophet. Also the central points of the Eastern Question radiating into the expulsion of the Gentiles from the Holy Land, the deliverance of Judah, and the restoration of Israel’s power, after the 2300 years are ended. Cyrus makes proclamation for the rebuilding of the temple. Daniel dies.
3571 515 The 2nd of Darius the Persian. He issues a decree enforcing that of Cyrus. Seventy years from the burning of the temple in the 19th of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign.
3575 511 The sixth of Darius, being 70 years from the 23rd of Nebuchadnezzar, when 745 persons were carried captive to Babylon. The building of the temple finished.
3619 467 The 7th of Artaxerxes, who issues a decree this year for the restoration of the Commonwealth of Judah.
3632 454 The 20th of Artaxerxes. Issues a second decree authorising the building of the waste places and the walls of Jerusalem. Commencement of the Seventy Heptades, and of the 2300 years.
3755 331 Darius Codomannus slain. End of the Silver Regime of the Babylonian Image, the Bear and the Ram dynasties, 206 years and 9 months from the fall of Belshazzar. Alexander the Great reigns. The Tree-Stump banded with Brass.
3743 323 Alexander dies. The notable horn of the Goat, the kingdom of Grecia’s first and mighty king, broken while he stands up, or without defeat.
3775 311 "Four kingdoms stand up out of the Goat-nation," represented by its four horns, and by the Four heads of the Leopard. This is styled in Maccabees, "The Era of the Greeks."
3919 167 Two years before the death of Antiochus Epiphanes. The Era of the Asmoneans.
3926 160 Judas Maccabees dies. End of Ezekiel’s 430 years, being the length of time from the burning of the temple by the Chaldeans.
4021 65 The empire of the Seleucidae, or Kings of the North, annexed to Rome. The Tree-Stump banded with Iron. An observer in Judea at this crisis sees the Little Horn coming up out of the Northern Horn of the Goat, and waxing great against the east.
4049 37 Antigonus, the last of the Asmonean kings of Judea, put to death ignominiously by the Romans at the instance of Herod, whom they had set up as King of the Jews. The Little Horn waxes great against the glory of the land.
4056 30 Egypt, the Kingdom of the South, annexed to the Roman empire. The Little Horn is now "exceeding great," and stands upon the Babylonian earth the unrivalled "King that does according to his will."
4086 0 ANNUS DOMINI. The Prince Royal of Judah is born in Bethlehem six months after John the Baptist, Herod the Idumean having reigned thirty-seven years.
4089 3 Nine months after this date Herod dies, having reigned 40 years. Archelaus succeeds him. The Vulgar Era begins.
4114 28 John the Baptist is 28 years and 9 months old. The sixty-ninth of the seventy heptades ends at this date. John proclaims the speedy appearing of the King of Israel, saying, eggike he basileia ton ouranoon, the royal dignity of the heavens has approached; "I come immersing in water that he may be made manifest to Israel."
4116 30 Jesus being immersed of John, on coming up out of the Jordan is anointed from heaven with the Holy Spirit; and proclaimed by the Father before the assembled multitude as His Son, in whom he is well pleased. The Prince being thus manifested, the sceptre soon departs from Judah.
4117 31 Nine months after this date John is imprisoned. Henceforth Jesus preaches the Gospel of the Kingdom, assisted by his disciples.
4122 35 Pontius Pilate the Roman Governor of Judea. The sceptre gone; the Jews protesting that they had "no other king than Caesar."
4128 42 Three months after the commencement of this year we arrive at the month Nisan, on the 14th of which is the Passover. The 490 years of the Seventy Heptades end on this day. The Little Horn of the Goat magnifies itself against the Prince Royal at the instigation of the rulers of the Jews. He is tried, condemned, and crucified—we-ain lobut nothing in him is found; that is, he is without fault, as Pilate declared. Judah’s rebellion is perfected by this condemnation of the innocent; by whose death sin-offerings are made complete; a covering is provided for iniquity; and righteousness brought in for the ages. During the past seven years the Abrahamic, anew and better covenant than the Mosaic, has been confirmed; and by the death of its representative testator, or mediator, made of force, and dedicated with his blood: whereupon many are caused by their intelligence in these things to desist from sacrifice and oblation, which are offered according to the law.

On the third day the King of Israel rises from the dead, God giving assurance thereby that he shall rule the world in righteousness.

On the forty-third day he ascends to heaven, to remain there until the time comes to solve the great Eastern Question by his presence.

Fifty days after the Passover the Gospel of the Kingdom is proclaimed by the Apostles in the name of Jesus as the King of Israel.

Hitherto the Gospel of the Kingdom had been published to none but Jews only; but about this time Peter visits the Gentiles, and invites them to become heirs of its glory and honour with them, and upon the same terms.

The Gospel of the Kingdom having been preached to every creature under the Babylonian heaven, and the measure of Judah’s fathers being filled up by the iniquity of their children, the end of their commonwealth is come.

4158 72 The abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stands in the holy place. It reduces the city and temple to ashes, puts an end to the sacrifices, destroys the people of the Holy Ones, and casts down the truth as it is in Moses to the ground.
4413 324 Constantinople becomes the imperial residence of the Little Horn of the Goat. Its Senate continues to reside in Rome.
4484 395 The Latino-Greek Babylonian empire finally divided into eastern and western limbs. Dacia, Macedonia, Thrace, Anatolia, Syria, and Egypt, from the Lower Danube to the confines of Persia, and Ethiopia, constitute "The East:" while Noricum, Pannonia, and Dalmatia; Italy, Africa, Gaul, Spain, and Britain, form "The West." Constantinople the capital of the East; and Rome, of the West.
4565 476 The Senate in Rome at the instance of the Emperor of the West decrees an epistle to the Emperor of the East, in which it requests for itself and the people that the seat of universal empire be transferred from Rome to Constantinople. The petition is granted. Augustulus resigns the purple; and the imperial office becomes extinct, and so continues for 324 years.
4619 530 The Holy Land desolated from A.D. 529 to 532 by war between the Persians and the Little Horn of the Goat. Here begin the 1290 and the 1335 years. Justinian begins to reign A.D. 527, and is enthroned thirty-eight years.
4695 606 The Little Horn of the Goat acknowledges the Bishop of Rome as the spiritual overseer of the whole empire. Recognised as "a god upon earth," he is constituted the Universal Eyes, or Seer of the Babylonian dominion. The 1260 years of his prevailing begin at this date.
4889 800 The Imperial Office revived in the west by Charlemagne and the Pope. The new power constitutes the Holy Germano-Roman dominion, represented on Daniel’s fourth beast by a Little Horn inset with Eyes like the eyes of a man, and a Mouth speaking great things. The ecclesiastical is the formative element or germ of this symbol.
5909 1820 The Sixth Vial, or that determined, begins to be poured out upon the desolator of the Holy Land. The 1290 years end.
5929 1840 Time of the end begins. The King of the South pushes at the Little Horn of the Goat. True Era 1843.
5932 1841 Six months added give the end of the 2300 years, answering to the True Era 1845 and 3 months.
5942 1853 The French, or Frog-Power, makes the Holy Shrines in Jerusalem a cause of difficulty among the emperors and kings of the Babylonian world. An unclean spirit, therefore, goes forth from the Little Horn of the Goat’s mouth to the King of the North against whom he declares war. The King of the North stirs up his whole empire, and advances against him with a multitude of forces.
5943 1854 THE EASTERN QUESTION. "The Sign of the Son of Man in the heaven" of Babylon, indicative of his coming as a thief. England, France, and Turkey belligerent against Russia and Greece. Austria balancing between the parties, but sure eventually to side with Russia. A general war inevitable.
5955 1866 End of the 1335 years. Egypt, Palestine, and Jerusalem overspread with a Russo-Gogian abomination of desolation answering to Nebuchadnezzar’s Image; while Edom, Moab, and part of Ammon swarm with the forces of the Anglo-Tarshish Lion of the east and north. Thus the forces of "the whole habitable" of Babylon are gathered "in the Valley of Decision." The 1260 years of papal prevalence is at an end. The Ancient of Days comes; the Holy Ones awake from the dust of the earth; they meet him in the clouds, and prepare to take the dominion under the whole Babylonian heaven.
5961 1872 Some time between this and 1866 the armies of the Russo-Gogian Confederacy and of the Anglo-Turkish power, meet with a terrible overthrow at Bozrah in Edom. The destruction extends thence to the Holy City and overspreads the land of Israel; so that but a sixth part of the Russo-Gogian host escapes annihilation. The Image-Confederacy is shattered by the Stone. Its fragments remain to be reduced to the fineness of dust and the lightness of the chaff of the summer threshing-floors.
5971 1882 After the image is smitten the Great Trumpet is blown by the Lord God. Israelites of the surviving third part of Judah found in the land after "the great slaughter in the land of Edom" are sent to their brethren and the nations, proclaiming impending judgment upon the Babylonian West, and inviting them to "Fear God and give glory to him."
5982 1893 Micah’s 40 years begin at this date. A movement is commenced among the Israelites towards the Wilderness of the peoples, where they are enlightened, purified from the rebellious, and prepared for settlement in the Holy Land as Jehovah’s First-Born of the nations.

The hour of judgment upon the Babylonian powers initiated. During the blowing of the great trumpet, the Beast, the False Prophet, and their kings—the fragmental parts of the Image-Confederacy—have been preparing war. The war of the great day of God Almighty begins.

Three months after this date, Judah’s seven times terminate at the Passover, 2520 years having elapsed from Josiah’s.

6000 1911

Rome utterly burned with fire by the Lord God who judgeth her during the hour of judgment, and before the conquest of the Babylonian Kings.

End of Micah’s 40 years. Also of the hour of judgment, or Thirty Years’ War between Israel and the Powers. The Beast and False-prophet dominions annihilated, and the Ten-horn thrones cast down, their kingdoms having become Jehovah’s and his Anointed’s. Babylon’s seven times of 2520 years expire. Its dominion no longer in being, the place thereof being occupied by the Kingdom of God, now "a great mountain filling the whole earth."

Israel has rest from war, and lives again in Jehovah’s sight, the Twelve Tribes being finally established as one Kingdom in the Holy Land.

7000 2911

End of the "season and time," or Millennium. Revolt of nations. The rebellion suppressed. The wicked exterminated from the earth. Death abolished. Every curse ceases. The constitution of the Kingdom of God changed to adapt it to the improved condition of the world.

"All things new."