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The Journal de la Statisti que Universelle of Paris publishes the following table of the successive encroachments of Russia from the fourteenth century up to the year 1832. It is drawn up from communications by M M. Schmitzler, Maltebrun, Gen. Bem, and other statisticians:



1328, at the accession of Yvan (Kaleta) 4656 6,290,000

1462, at the accession of Yvan I 18,474

1503, at the death of Yvan I 37,437

1584, at the death of Yvan II 125,465

1645, at the death of Michel I 254,361

1689, at the accession of Peter I 263,900 16,060,000


1725, at the accession of Catherine I 273,845 20,000,000

1762, at the accession of Catherine II 349,538 25,000,000

1796, at the death of Catherine II 334,850 33,000,000

1825, at the death of Alexander I 367,494 56,000,000

1831, at the taking of Warsaw 369,764 60,000,000

That is to say, that during the last two centuries Russia has doubled her territory, and during the last hundred years has tripled her population; her conquests during sixty years are equal to all she possessed in Europe before that period; her conquests from Sweden are greater than what remains of that kingdom; she has taken from the Tartars an extent equal to that of Turkey in Europe, with Greece, Italy, and Spain; her conquests from Turkey in Europe are more in extent than the kingdom of Prussia without the Rhenish provinces; she has taken from Turkey in Asia an extent of territory equal to all the small States of Germany; from Persia equal to the whole of England (United Kingdom); and from Poland equal to the whole Austrian empire. A division of the population gives—






2,000,000 for the tribes of the Caucasus.

4,000,000 for the Cossacks, the Georgians, and the Khirguiz.

5,000,000 for the Turks, the Mongols, and the Tartars.

6,000,000 for the Ouralions, the Finlanders, and the Swedes.

20,000,000 for the Moscovites (of the Greek Church.)

23,000,000 for the Poles (Roman and Greek Church united.)


The population of ancient Poland counts for two-fifths of the total population over an eighth part of the territory, and the Moscovite population for one-third of the total number over a tenth of the territory; in other words, even at the present time the Polish element is in a great majority as compared to all the others.

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