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The work contains 102 pages of the size of the Herald’s. Their contents are divided into thirty-five sections, of which the following is the


Introductory Remarks.

The origin and Extent of the Kingdom of Babylon.

The Kingdom of Men in its various Phases.

The Lion Phasis of the Kingdom of Babylon.

The Bear Phasis.

The Four-Headed Leopard Phasis.

The Ten-Horned Dragon Phasis.

The Holy Ones of the High Ones, and their People.

A Season and a Time.

Origin of the Romano-Greek Babylonian Sovereignty.

The Evening and Morning Object.

"The Holy shall be Avenged."

The Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks.

Corrected Version of the Prophecy.

Messiah the Prince.

What should befall Judah in the Latter Days.

Paraphrase of the Eleventh of Daniel to verse 35 inclusive.

End of the Maccabean Heptade.

"The King," or Constantinopolitan Autocracy.

A God of Guardians, or the Latin Prophet of the West.

Guardians’ Bazaars, or Temples dedicated to Saints.

The Holy Roman Dominion, or Little Horn of the West.

The Time of the End.

The King of the North.

Proof of the Russian Power being the King of the North.

Future Magnitude of the Czar’s Dominion.

Nebuchadnezzar’s Image the Symbol of the Autocrat’s Dominion, inclusive of France.

Edom, Moab, and Ammon divided off from Turkey for a Price.

Britain the Moabitish Antagonist to Russia in the Latter Days.

The Latter Days.

The "Time of Trouble;" Position of the Russian and British Forces at the Advent.

The Deliverance of Israel out of the Hands of their Enemies.

Resurrection to Judgment in the War of God Almighty.

"The Wise."

The Times of the Kingdom of Babylon and Judah.

Calendar of the Seven Times of Babylon and Judah.

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