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Dear Sir: —I have to thank you, and that most heartily, for two articles which have appeared in your Herald—one in the May number, and the other in the June number. We—that is, three or four—have a Bible-class, and a subject akin to that which you treat of in answering your Halifax calumniator came up for examination, but we couldn’t agree about it; and I was just about writing to you for light, when the May Herald arrived, which answered the end so far; and when the June number arrived, it satisfied all of us entirely, and has been to me and the others a further proof of the sublimity and yet simplicity of truth.

I feel that I tell you only a bare truth when I say—and those with whom I associate bear me out in it—that we have been more benefited by your writings than by those of all other uninspired men whatever, and pray God that your life and energies may be continued, so as that you may be the means of saving many weary souls, who are almost lost in the clouds and mist of sectarianism. Most gratefully yours, in the hope of the gospel,


Cobourg, C.W., June 12, 1854.

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