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Mr. Editor: —In the county and State, and on the day below written, on the bank of Tulip Creek, in the presence of a few disciples of Christ, M.H. Wade, in the 77th year of his age, made the following statement and confession: "Should it be asked, what has brought me to this place today, my answer is, An enlightened judgment, and an honest, true-speaking conscience. I was many years ago immersed in, not into the awful and solemn names of Father, Son and Holy Ghost, by a sectarian preacher. My views at that time were altogether sectarian, and I became a member of a sectarian church—considering baptism nothing more than an ordinary appendage of Christianity. Since that time, from reading the oracles of God, I have become convinced that the Church of Christ is not a sect, in the common acceptation of that term; and that baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, to a believing penitent, * is for the remission of sins. # Under the influence of these convictions I am here today, to be baptised according to the directions and for the purposes specified in the Scriptures of truth. From time to time I have endeavoured to satisfy myself with my former baptism. But the more I consult the New Testament, and the nearer I approach the grave, the more dissatisfaction I feel upon the subject. I now therefore say, before God and the holy angels, and in the presence of these persons, that I do believe with all my heart that Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ, the Son of God: and that his name is the only name given under heaven or among men whereby we + can be saved. I also believe that baptism into the name of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is for the remission of sins. This believing with all my heart, I am now ready to be buried with my Lord in baptism." Whereupon he was according baptised by


Dallas, Ark., Feb. 22, 1854

* "A believing penitent," according to the N.T., is one who believes the gospel of the kingdom, with the disposition of mind towards God and his promises possessed by Abraham, whom he claims for his father.

# "Baptism is for the remission of sins," to believing penitents of the above stamp. It unites them to the name of Jesus in which union to the name the subject’s faith is counted to him for remission of sins; and his disposition of mind for repentance.

+ That is, "whereby we," the believers of the gospel of the kingdom, "can be saved." There is no salvation without the belief of that gospel, which is the only true one.


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