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The London correspondent of the New York Herald reports the existence of our coreligionists in Britain to its readers in America in the following words:

"A curious sect of religionists," says he, "has just arisen in England, called ‘The Disciples.’ They believe that Christ will appear in 1864; that the Russians will triumph over the Turks, and the Jews over the Russians—the latter event to happen in ten years’ time, when the Jews will become a nation in the Holy Land. Christ is to become their King. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the rest of the righteous Jews of old, with the few elect among Christians, will rise from the dead and live for ever in Palestine; but the heathen and wicked Jews and Christians will sleep eternally."

This is about as correct a statement as could well be expected from a newspaper correspondent who is not himself indoctrinated in the faith. It is not, however, sufficiently precise to obviate misapprehension. We should prefer a little more detail, and therefore somewhat more after the manner following:

They believe that the terminus of Daniel’s period of 1335 symbolical days will obtain in 1866, or thereabouts; and that these being ended, "many who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake, some to the life of the Age, and some to the shame and contempt of the Age;" and that as Jesus is to raise them by the Spirit of Jehovah, his "coming as a thief" at that epoch is of course necessitated.

They also believe that, whatever may be the present reverses of the Russian arms, they will ultimately triumph over the Turks, whose power is doomed to extinction, though all Europe decree its "integrity and independence." They believe that when Russian ascendancy is established, Russian ambition will seek to extend its dominion over Jerusalem, Palestine, and the Far East, which Britain and those of the Jews then in Palestine will endeavour to prevent. The Russian forces, however, will take Jerusalem, and occupy the northern and southern portions of the land, its eastern being still in dispute. At this crisis, Jesus of Nazareth will come as a thief upon the combatants, and destroy the power of the Russian Autocracy, and shatter its imperiality into fragments—the latter event to happen after the many awake from the dust of the earth. The Russian power being broken, the work of Jewish national restoration to Palestine will commence—a work occupying 40 years after the return of Christ, during which He and his Brethren at the head of the armies of Israel are destroying the governments and hosts of the East and West, and reducing the nations to an enlightened and faithful obedience to their will.

At the end of this 40 years the Twelve Tribes of Israel will become one nation and kingdom, occupying the land in the full extent promised to Abraham, Christ, and their coheirs, the kings, and proprietors of the tribes, land, and dominion for ever—a dominion extending over all nations to earth’s utmost bounds.

But they believe also that the generations of the dead which have died in "times of ignorance" perish without resurrection. As to men who have embraced the faith of Christ, but have proved truant to its principles and morals, also Jewish rejectors of the claims of Jesus to the Messiahship, who flourished in his and the Apostles’ days, they believe will awake from the dust to judgment at his appearing; while Gentiles under times of knowledge, who refuse faith and obedience to "the Gospel of the Kingdom," will arise to punishment 1000 years after Jesus of Nazareth ascends the throne of Jehovah’s Israelitish kingdom and empire. Having then risen from the dead, they will receive according to their works. This righteous retribution being perfected, they will be for ever consigned to death again, which will therefore be to them "Second Death," and consequently eternal. Thus the wicked will perish out of the earth, and "the righteous dwell therein for ever."

This Israelitish kingdom, they believe, is God’s Kingdom of the Heavens, and the kingdom of which the gospel, or glad tidings, treats—"the Kingdom of Jehovah and of his Anointed"—the kingdom which the God of heaven shall set up in the days of the existing kingdoms of the Roman and Papal earth; and which shall establish on that territory "Glory to God in the highest places, (en hupsistois,) over the earth peace, and good-will among men." They believe that the gospel invites men to become the immortal possessors of this kingdom of the Holy Land, which shall never be destroyed nor left to successors, with all the honour and glory, power and dominion, that pertain to it—on condition of believing the truth concerning it and its King, of being immersed into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and of a patient continuance in well-doing—being fully assured that, as this kingdom is a righteous administration of Israel and the nations in the age to come, none but the righteous can possess it.

The correspondent of the New York Herald styles us who believe these things "a curious sect." Doubtless we are a curiosity to him, if he have fallen into the conceit that the religion and opinions of "Christendom" are the system and testimonies of the Bible! The real curiosity is Papal and Protestant religionism, that with millions of Bibles in the hands of the people can palm itself off upon European and American intellect as the religion and faith of Jesus Christ! The "curious sect" rejects the Christianity of "Christendom" as a semi-pagan apostasy from the religion and testimonies of the Bible—the Gentilism of the cast out, unmeasured court, which is without the temple—Revelation 11: 2—"for the temple of God is holy, which temple," says the apostle, writing to his brethren in Christ, "are ye."—1 Corinthians 3: 16-17. They believe that it is because of "the abominations" practised in the name of Jehovah and his Anointed in this Court of the Gentiles, that a crisis is forming against Europe, arising out of the decadence of the Ottoman power. Russia’s mission is to lead up their hosts to the Valley of Jehoshaphat for destruction by the hand of God. To accomplish this, the policy of Russia must first triumph over the South and West. Her policy must become European and anti-British—a policy that will move the armies of the Continent "against Jerusalem to battle." But before the governments of Europe shall place themselves under a RUSSIAN PROTECTORATE, much has to be accomplished in a short time—the Anglo-French alliance will be dissolved, revolutionary democracies receive their quietus, and Turkey divided among the strong. The Hour of Judgment will then be imminent. The catastrophe of "Christendom" is at the very door, when the indignation of God will issue forth as a stream of fire to consume the mitred hypocrites and oppressors of the world.


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"Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth."—JESUS.

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