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Dear Brother Thomas: —Since I took leave of Caroline, I have been in Richmond, King William, Hanover, Louisa, Goochland, Powhatan, Amelia, Prince Edward, Lunenburg, and Mecklenburg. I have also been in Brunswick and Nottoway. On the 6th of April I immersed into the faith of the gospel one lady in Lunenburg; on the 12th, another in Mecklenburg; on the 1st of May, a third, in Prince Edward. All three appeared to have well examined and understood the gospel of the kingdom of God. I have had many to hear me. We have met with much kindness in all our wanderings through so many places.

I have had some considerable aid from a young man, and a young disciple—aid, I mean, in public speaking. He was immersed during my first visit to Lunenburg, last year. His speaking has been greatly to the edification of the church at Leadbetter, and to the benefit of others. He promises much usefulness in the advocacy of the truth. He is modest, mild, yet firm, fond of true science, yet humble in his conception of his own abilities. He came from the same county from which our highly-esteemed and much-loved brother Charles May did, a county in your native land. Without any knowledge of each other, they came at different times to America, and to the county of Lunenburg. They are both physicians of the same system, and both advocates of the same faith. The name of our young brother is William Passmore. He is a very pleasant and edifying companion, delighting in Holy Scriptural subjects.

Amid the troubles of the present state, and in view of the agitations of this world, whether physical or political, and while beholding the miserable condition of what is falsely called "Christendom," there are sundry considerations greatly cheering to my own mind and heart. These considerations are as follows:

1st. In the Holy Scriptures we have revealed to us a Being who, in character, is without spot, and is the summing up and manifestation of all perfection. How beautifully does Moses introduce him to Israel: "Give ear, O ye Heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O Earth, the words of my mouth. My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass: because I will publish the name of the Lord: ascribe ye greatness unto our God. (He is) the Rock, his work is perfect: for all (his) ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he." As rational creatures, we must surely rejoice in such a Creator.

2nd. There is another Being, the image of the first, who is introduced to us as the only-begotten of the Father, and his well-beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Surely in him, as made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption, we should greatly rejoice.

3rd. There is an innumerable company of beings whom the Lord Almighty uses as angels or messengers, and who have access to his presence-glory.

4th. Some of our fallen race will be made like the angels, to die no more, and will share with Messiah in the kingdom of God.

5th. Through Abraham and his seed shall all families of the earth be blessed.

6th. All who are accounted worthy shall meet in the kingdom, and be partakers in its fulness.

I have been calling the attention of the people to the destiny of the nations, and to the signs of the times. I humbly hope to effect some good.

I received your very acceptable letter some considerable time since. Accept my best wishes for the welfare of yourself and yours, and believe me, as ever, yours most affectionately and in the hope of the kingdom,


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