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From the Algemeine Zeitung.

THE RELIGIOUS WAR IN PIMLICO. —The agitation to force Mr. Liddell out of St. Barnabas seems to have commenced in earnest. A meeting was held on Tuesday to adopt measures "for the arrest of Romish practices in the Church of England," about 800 persons present, Ad’l Harcourt chairman.

"Upon the arrival of the speakers on the platform, a scene of great uproar immediately took place in the body of the meeting, and a general melee ensued between the representatives of the High Church and the Low Church, which ended in the latter party turning several of their opponents out of the meeting by force. Order having been procured, the chairman requested the Rev. John Kelly to open the business with prayer, which the reverend gentleman did amid much confusion, and before the prayers were concluded, an unparalleled scene of riot and uproar again intervened, in which a regular fight ensued in the body of the meeting. A large number of police constables arrived, and with their assistance the meeting was cleared of several of the High Church party, who were roughly handled in the affray."

Order having again been restored, the expected speeches were got through. Mr. Nicholay (vestryman of Marylebone) abused the Bishop of London, everybody else abused the Pope. The meeting broke up in an uproar; and if scenes such as these are to be stopped, the Bishop of London will have to give way, and the next Bishop of London will have to decide—what is the Church of England? —From a London Weekly.

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