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"In every thing consider the end"—Proverb.

If we were called upon to work out "the end," or final result of the war between Russia and the Western Powers from the data supplied by the campaign of 1824, we might conclude with the North British that "no prophetic eye could foresee its results."

The grounds of this conclusion are, first, that so long as neutrality is maintained by Austria and Prussia the heart of Russia cannot be pierced by the lance of the Allies. Will she then give in? Secondly, the campaign in Asia has thus far been in favour of the Russians, and disastrous to the Turks. Thirdly, the intervention of the Austrians between Russia and the Porte, whatever it may be in appearance, is in effect favourable to Russia. Fourthly, the revolutionary condition of Europe is a defence for the Czar in being an embarrassment for the Allies. Fifthly, the jealousies that may arise between them may change the face of affairs. Sixthly, Prussia, whose sympathies are Russian, may declare for the Czar, and so open a way for him into France, by which the seat of the war would be transferred from the east to the west. Seventhly, the Autocrat’s ally, winter, is at hand, which will suspend all attacks by sea and land; and eighthly, the firmness and endurance of Nicholas may exhaust the patience of his adversaries, and dry up the resources of Turkey, which may die before he obtain possession of the carcase.

From these considerations we might conclude that Russia would triumph in the end; but then there is to be considered on the contrary, the bravery of the Turks and the great wealth and power of England and France, whose fleets and armies have all proved themselves superior to the Russians. England has once withstood the world in arms, what, therefore, may not England and France combined effect against a single power. When we look at this side of the shield we see no prospect for Russia, but an humble acceptance of peace at the dictation of her imperious foes! Here then are two opposite conclusions; whose eye is so prophetic as to foresee which of them shall become the truth? The North British writer responds, "There is no prophetic eye can foresee the results of the present war!"

To this conclusion I have no objection apart from the word or testimony of God. No one could have foreseen the end of Napoleon I, judging from the contemporary circumstances that environed him at the epoch of Marengo and Austerlitz; neither from similar considerations can the issue of the present war be predicted—the Allies may conquer or Russia triumph for any thing we can tell apart from the Scriptures of truth.

According to these, matters are progressing finely with reference to the end revealed. In promoting this the things to be accomplished are—

1. To create a war among the powers contrary to their inclinations;

2. To develop that war in the west for a special purpose;

3. To direct the storm against the sovereign power that governs Palestine; and

4. To turn it against Jerusalem and the Holy Land.

1. With respect to the first indication, we have seen it fulfilled in the creation of the present war, which has originated remotely out of a jealousy between France and Russia concerning the Holy Shrines in Jerusalem, and proximately, out of that jealousy, intensified by the designs of Russia upon Constantinople and the east. England, France, Turkey, and Russia, were all as anxious to avoid war as Austria and Prussia at the present time, but their fears of what Russia disclaims, and their fears of revolution, have brought them to blows which they deal out with fitful uncertainty. The war is only in its incipient stage. The whole world is to be involved in it; so that Austria and Prussia, Spain, Portugal, Sardinia, Belgium, &c., &c., will be unable to escape.

2. The war must blaze up in the west before the end come. There is a special reason for this, and that reason is the following. The power styled "Gog" by Ezekiel is to be mishmar, or PROTECTOR of bodies politic occupying certain countries indicated by the terms Magog, Rosh, Meshech, Tubal, Gomer, Persia, Cush, Libya, and Togarmah. These names indicate peoples of the east, south, north, north-west, and west of Palestine. Gog is to be a guard or protector of these, and to lead them up to battle against Jerusalem, that they may be punished there for their enormous iniquity at the hand of Israel’s king. Now, it must be evident to the merest tyro, that before Gog can lead these peoples against the Holy City he must establish his protectorate over the west. This is his special mission before he can arrive at Constantinople. If the Czar had made a dash at the city when Menschikoff and his retinue visited it in 1853, as he might have done successfully, he would have arrived at the third stage of the crisis too soon. He would then have been prepared for the invasion of Palestine before Palestine was prepared for him, and before he had any other armies to lead against Jerusalem than those of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, with which alone he is operating now. His invasion of the Principalities was enough for a casus belli, and this was all contemplated of God at present, as the result has shown: the Czar, however, intended more. He was for pushing on to Constantinople; but while man proposes, the disposal is of God. He could not for the present pass Silistria. Hence the success of the Turks, who will, with their Allies, continue to impede the progress of the Russians southward and eastward, until the Governments of the Papal West shall have agreed to give their power and strength unto Gog; and he shall become the High Protector of European Absolution against the fierce and turbulent democracies of the Continent.

The mission of Austria at this stage of the business has evidently been to release Russia from active warfare against Turkey, and to act as a break upon the chariot wheels of the Anglo-French alliance, that it might not effectually cripple Russia and put an end to the war which has a higher and more glorious result than any proposed by Lord Aberdeen and Napoleon III, who are mere subordinate actors in the play. God’s moves upon the political chessboard are admirable. Sinope brought the declaration of war; Silistria, the Austrians into the Principalities; this, the invasion of the Crimea, the fall of Sevastopol (?) What then? God knows, but the Powers do not, for "all beyond is chaos" to them!

If the Anglo-French force instead of landing in Turkey had left Omar Pasha to contend with the Russians on the Danube, and had straightway invaded the Crimea, the junction of Luder’s battalions with Menschikoff’s would have been effectually prevented and the conquest of that peninsula facilitated. This would have been a great embarrassment for Russia, from which, however, it has been delivered and enabled to concentrate its forces against the enemy by the intervention of Austria. With the sanction of the short-sighted rulers of France and England, Austria has been permitted to make a separate treaty with the Porte by which she has been allowed to take possession of the Principalities as trustee for Turkey, to which she promises to restore them at the end of the war! The Anglo-French army arrived in Turkey, but instead of hastening on to the scene of action, it wasted the summer in doing nothing, and at length arrived at Varna where there was nothing for it to do; for just at this crisis the Russians raised the siege of Silistria and retired across the Danube, while Austria entered like a wedge between them and the Allies, and persuaded them very politely not to trouble themselves any farther in that direction!

What then had 70,000 French and English come all the way from home to do? To give their "moral support" to Omar Pasha and to die of the pestilence! They had marched up the hill and seen their friends "covered with glory;" were they to face about and march down again? What awaited them at home? A general outburst of scornful derision. To return would be disgrace and ridicule—revolution perhaps in France, and impeachment of the English ministers. Hence orders were received to do something, and that something is the capture of Sevastopol if they can.

But look at Austria; there she is in the Principalities—a rearguard to Russia; hereafter, perhaps, the advance of a Russo-Austrian tempest, destined to sweep over the city of Constantine like a whirlwind from the north. It is not probable that Austria will ever voluntarily evacuate Wallachia and Moldavia. When the second stage of the current war converts Germany, France, and Italy into the arena of the strife, Austria cannot remain in status quo. Whatever bearing she may now sham towards the Anglo-French alliance, war in Italy with the French there can only be Anti-Austrian, and therefore a Russo-Austrian contest for supremacy over the west. In such an eventuality as this, the days of Turkey are numbered. The Sultan cannot demand the evacuation of the Principalities so long as he is at war with Russia. Austria can therefore hold Wallachia and Moldavia, continue at peace with Turkey, and with Russia, her ally as at present, carry on war with France, which may be at the same time in amity with the Sultan and at enmity with Austria. Thus through Austria Turkey may be insulated and kept in leading-strings until the war in the west has given the western Leg and Toes of Nebuchadnezzar’s image their last premillennial form; and Russia and Austria released from that work; that what remains may be consummated, that namely which consists in bringing Persia, Cush, Phut, and Togarmah, with all their bands, under Gog, or the completing of the image that it may stand on its feet of iron and clay on the mountains of Israel previous to its fall.

A refusal to evacuate the Principalities on the part of Austria may cause the Anglo-French to seize on Egypt and Palestine, notwithstanding their agreement not to appropriate the property of others. Treaties will not bind Napoleon longer than it serves his turn to observe them, and his faithlessness will become a plea of justification for the British government to follow his example. As usual, pretences will not be wanting for excusing violence and spoiling their friends. The plunder of a traveller is the common property of the thieves until an heir is provided in the rogue who has sagacity and ingenuity enough to escape the halter; so of the future plunderers of the Turk, whose possessions in the east may be appropriated by France and England as "material guarantees;" but in the event of France being brought under the Protectorate of Gog, and Turkey being over-run by the Northern King, Egypt and Syria will fall to England, and the Ottoman Empire will be no more.

·1 3. It is to consummate this that the war will enter upon its third stage, which is thus indicated by Daniel—"And the king of the north shall come against him (the power that divides the Land of Palestine for a price) like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow, and pass over." This will be doomsday to the Ottoman world. England and France, and all the native indomitability of the Osmanlis will avail them nothing then. Constantinople will fall, and the Turks will be absorbed into the armies of Gog as the Mohammedans of the Mogul empire are in the battalions of the Anglo-Indian hosts of Tarshish in the east.

·1 4. The fall of the French and Ottoman empire is the result of this war in the second and third stages; events which imply the dissolution of the alliance between England, France, and Turkey. My conviction is that England will have to destroy the French navy. This will become necessary for self-preservation. France being one of the ten toes of Nebuchadnezzar’s image—"a tenth of the city"—cannot continue imperial; and that revolution which reduces it from the imperial to the regal constitution will Russianise it; that is bring it under the protection of Gog, the natural enemy of England in all wars of the east. War still continuing between Gog and England, the French marine will become Russian, and prepared for operations against the ports of Britain; hence England must either succumb to the Lord of Europe or destroy the then Russo-French fleets at her very doors. She will embrace the latter alternative, which, with the defence of Egypt and Syria, will keep her fully employed until the King of Israel appears. Successful by sea she will not be without disasters by land. The flourishing condition of Egypt and the Holy Land under her shadowing wings will draw down upon those countries the plundering cupidity of the Romanoff Chief of the Latin and Greek Confederacy then enthroned in Constantinople. He will "think an evil thought, and will say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell confidently, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates, to take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn mine hand upon the desolate places inhabited, and upon the people gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land."

·2 To accomplish this purpose will introduce the belligerents into the fourth stage of the war, which Daniel indicates in these words, when speaking of the king of the north’s in "the time of the end,"—"He shall enter into the land of glory, and many shall be overthrown, . . . and the Land of Egypt shall not escape. But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt; and the Libyans and Ethiopians shall be at his steps. . . . And he shall go forth with great fury to destroy and utterly to make away many. And he shall plant the tents of his camp between the seas, even to the mountain, the glory of the holy." This invasion of Palestine brings the armies of the Catholic and Protestant Powers upon the arena where the eastern question is to find its solution. The fate of Sennacherib will be theirs. The Messiah of Israel will descend from the right hand of power and scatter them to the four winds of heaven. Then will begin "the war of the great day of God Almighty," which will not end until the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of Jehovah and of his Anointed. Amen!


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