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On Monday, 28th August, 1854, at Bull’s Ferry, near New York, Sarah, wife of James Beadman, fell asleep in Jesus, in the fiftieth year of her age.

After a long and very careful examination of herself, together with the writings of the Prophets and Apostles, she became thoroughly convinced that the Gospel she had so long believed was not the Gospel proclaimed by Jesus and the Twelve; and, with child-like simplicity, cherishing the "disposition of the Fathers," she attained a knowledge of the Gospel of the Kingdom, and was immersed on a profession of faith in that Gospel, on the 12th of March preceding. And it was one of her dying requests, that her devout thanks be given to Brother John Thomas, by whose instrumentality she discovered the great truths that recalled her from the great wilderness of sectarianism; threw around the character of the "One God’ an attractive glory; spread a new light over his boundless universe; took away the sting of death; and changed the terrors of the grave into a place of peaceful slumber for the saints, until the trumpet of the archangel wakens them to glory and immortality, in the age to come. J.B.

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