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A Baptist defender of Bethany Divinity, in the organ of that interest, says, "Mr. Campbell teaches that a believer is begotten by the Word, and quickened by the Holy Spirit, and then must be immersed, or, in other words, born of water, to enter that kingdom that Daniel spoke of, that John preached, and that Christ set up!

"It is admitted by all Baptists, that immersion is the door by which we enter Christ’s kingdom. Mr. Campbell believes that all such baptised believers should commune together—even those that have been immersed by Pedobaptists. All such are in a justified state before God, and all the promises in the Bible are addressed to them.

"He says, in certain cases, it is possible that some may be saved without Baptism. But with him, the Gospel plan to save sinners is by faith, repentance, and baptism."

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