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If Christ set up the kingdom Daniel treats of, and the apostles were on its thrones, why are they not there now, seeing that it was "not to be left to other people?"

If Christ set up the kingdom, where were the kingdoms represented by the Ten Toes of the Image on the day of Pentecost? for Daniel says, it should be set up in their day.

The Ten Toe-kingdoms did not begin to exist till the fifth century; but they do now exist. If, then, the Kingdom of Christ have a being on earth, where is it, and by what means extant is it to destroy them?

If the Campbell theory of begettal and quickening by the Spirit and the Word, be granted, can they claim to be begotten or quickened by either, who are ignorant, or disbelieve, or ridicule, the things testified by the Spirit in the Word, concerning the throne of David, the Holy Land, and the reign of Christ and his Saints there over Israel and the nations?

Does the Spirit-Word beget people to the belief of nonsense? When it begets and quickens, does it leave them in disobedience? Does it beget people to any thing else than the belief of "the things concerning the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ?" If professors are begotten to aught else than "The Gospel of the Kingdom," and the obedience it commands, is it not the spirit of their own flesh—a lying spirit—not the Holy Spirit, that has bewitched them?

Are not the sheepfold and Kingdom of Christ identical? If this be granted, have not all Baptists mistaken the hinge of the door for the door itself? Christ says, "I am the door; by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved." Hence, as there is but one way of salvation, is not this equivalent to saying, "He that believes the Gospel of the Kingdom, AND is baptised, shall be saved," or enter in? How, then, can immersion, without this belief, which few have, be the door?

Are any immersed people "in a justified state before God," who are ignorant, or faithless, of the promises made to Abraham and his seed: that is, of the Gospel preached by Jesus and his apostles?

If God be no respecter of persons, how can he save some without baptism, when he prescribes a specific obedience to all in the commission; and His Son has declared, that the Scripture cannot be broken?"


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