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From Ogle county, Illinois, we journeyed to Kenosha county, Wisconsin, somewhat over a hundred miles from Adaline. We were met at Burlington, on the Racine and Mississippi railroad, by brother J. D. Benedict, formerly, with his intelligent sisterwife, a Scotto-Campbellite, but now both of them, with their aged mother, rejoicing in the truth. Through his activity and influence a considerable congregation was convened at a district school-house; and many came to this house, some to gratify their curiosity, some to learn, and others to understand. We talked much in exposition of the word, and were pleased to know that many desired to hear more. People of all sorts are encountered in this way— , silly men and " silly women laden with sins, and led captive of those who creep into houses"—that is, of the clergy, by whom they are bewitched. The silly women in Paul's day " were ever learning," but in ours they never learn at all, nor seek to know anything but that which ministers to the flesh in its divers lusts and perversities, Though " never able to come to the knowledge of the truth," as Paul says, they are ever ready to expectorate their malevolence, and to give their opinion in matters they do not understand. With all the presumption in the world they will undertake to declare what is a Christian spirit." and to judge them who are themselves judged by no natural man, male or female.—1st Cor. ii. 15. We have met with such in our travels ; and our experience of them is in exact coincidence with Paul's, with whom we conclude that their folly will be manifest to all, as those who have turned aside to Satan to do his will. Of this class of evil spirits, Paul says, " If any brother have a wife' that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away * * * for the unbelieving wife is sanctified by her husband. But if the unbelieving depart let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage to such." "Art thou loosed from a wife ? Seek not a wife. But, and if thou marry, thou hast not sinned " —1st Cor. vii. 12, 14, 27, 28. This, of course, is for brethren in Christ—not out- siders; for, says Paul, what have I to do to judge them that are without ? Still, on the principle of being " subject to the ordinances of men for the Lord's sake," it would be necessary for such not to marry a second contemporary wife without a legal divorce.  

So much for ''silly women;" the time was fast approaching when we should be denounced by silly men....