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Dating the first of the four recorded Passovers of Jesus ministry

After Jesus told the Jews that if they destroyed the Temple, he would rebuild it in three days, speaking of his body, the Jews responded that they had been 46 years in building this Temple. (John 2:20.) Was the Temple complete in 46 years, and when was the building of the Temple completed?

The temple was not complete in 46 years. The Jewish Encyclopedia records that it took 80 years to build it. The main portion of it was completed in a year and a half, but the work was continuing on the Temple throughout the life of Christ. In the first year of Jesus’ ministry, they had been working on the Temple for 46 years, but the work was on going. "The Jews were loth to have their Temple pulled down, fearing lest it might not be rebuilt. To demonstrate his good faith, Herod accumulated the materials for the new building before the old one was taken down. The new Temple was rebuilt as rapidly as possible, being finished in a year and a half, although work was in progress on the out-buildings and courts for eighty years. As it was unlawful for any but priests to enter the Temple, Herod employed 1,000 of them as masons and carpenters."

Josephus records that the work of the Temple began in two different years. The first was in the 15th year of Herod (Bell. Judah I, xxi, 1) and the second was in the 18th year of his reign (Ant. XV, xi, 1). As we have pointed out before, Josephus began his reign in 40 BC, so the 18th year would be 23-22 BC.

Josephus records that in the Jews were very concerned about the rebuilding of the Temple after Herod had it torn down, and so Herod took pains to gather all the material before the Temple was started. He then employed the Jews to build the new Temple. The fifteenth year is no doubt when the gathering of the material began, and the 18th year is when the fathers referenced in John 2:20, began their work.. Forty six years from 22 BC would be 24 AD.

This would be consistent with the baptism of Jesus at the start of his ministry. Luke said Jesus was beginning to be about 30 years of age. The way they counted birthdays under the law was different than our way. You are 1, or in your first year when you are born. Following your 29th birthday, you are in your 30th year. Jesus began his 30th year, after his 29th birthday, which would have been in October 23 AD. His first Passover, then, would have been in 24 AD.