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009 Aug 16, 2006 A Brief Email from Stephen

Dear brother Jim,

I appreciate your reply. I skim read it and many of the points you make I agree with.

Two days ago I started a new job which initially is requiring long hours. I only returned home a few hours ago. The same was true yesterday. And I have to be up and out at 7 tommorrow morning. The long hours will not continue for more than a few days but even then I will have substantially less time than I did before, for at least a few weeks.

I do not have time to give your response the attention it deserves, at least for some weeks till my schedule returns to something I am used to.

[There was one paragraph here, which is omitted at bro. Genusa's request.  It deals with sensitive matter regarding another brother, which he thought he might like to discuss with me in private, but which he must have decided to forego, as no discussion was forthcoming.]
