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015 Sep 20 2006 Brief email to Stephen to encourage continuing

Dear bro. Genusa,

Greetings in Christ our Lord.

I appreciate the tone of this last email. It seems a shame that once we reach a level where we can communicate with each other, that that communication ceases. I do appreciate the difficulties of life, and I understand if you haven't the time to continue this discussion. Obviously, if you prefer not to have this discussion, we won't have it.

I don't believe you have a better way to spend your time, than to have this discussion. But, I do recognize it is your life, and you will have to be responsible for your own choices, as will I.

As a way of continuing some discussion, would you consider this? A lot of our time has been spent in critism or defense of what the Berean fellowship believes. This really is beside the point. It is especially beside the point, as it relates to you. If all the things you said about the Bereans were true, then it would simply mean that you and I should not be Bereans. It doesn't mean either of us should be Central.

You have correctly identified the true difference between us:

"You claim: ''WE ARE IN FELLOWSHIP WITH ALL IN OUR COMMUNITY WHO SHARE THE EMBLEMS.' There is your doctrinal error."

You deny this principle, which I believe is your doctrinal error. Are you interested in a discussion on this point alone? I would like for you to identify from your web site, or your past emails, or by using whatever evidence you deem necessary, the principles from the Scriptures and Pioneer writings which you believe establish your view. I would like the chance to evaluate them, and if necessary, explain to you why they do not. Then we can have a profitable discussion on a divine principle, and not on the frailties and inconsistencies of human nature. Let me know what you think. I want to let you know that I have sent my response to your 12 questions, and my last email to you, to bre.Dale Lee, Bob Widdig, and Freddie Higham. The email you asked me to keep in confidence, has not been sent to anyone. As you have been posting our correspondance, I didn't figure this to be a problem. Sincerely, Jim Phillips