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021 Brief answer from Stephen to 020 ends correspondence

Brother Phillips,

When I argue a position it is to reason out, to test ideas and to establish to my own mind what truth is. God knows my heart and He knows that I have examined myself during our correspondence. Why did I examine myself? I examined myself to make sure that I would be willing to face any arguments made which overthrew my position. Starting from a position of some confidence I had to be sure it was not the kind of confidence that can make a man blind. I thought about this going so far as being prepared to remove all fellowship related material on my web site and to replace it with anything that supported another position if my own arguments could not stand the crucible I was submitting them to. On significant points, I have admitted in the past, publicly, in various ways and forums, when I have had a change of mind and I think it is spiritually healthy, as did brother Thomas, to confess change when it occurs.

Tammy has likewise taken a keen interest in the matter. She now believes the the Berean position to be both unscriptural and anti-pioneer. She, like I, have waited to see if there is anything but blanks in the Berean gun. But then, when I think about it, I realize there can't be anything but blanks in your, as it were, doctrinal gun. If there were real arguments, you'd be able to reconcile the post-1851 quotes, like the 1870 quotes from JT, with your position. They are contradictory to your position so you ignore them. You've done nothing but continued your stock selective quotations -- quotations which are not disputed (though I deny the assumptive premise of worldwide fellowship you impose on them). I also note that you answered none of the points or pioneer quotes I provided in my previous emails or web postings though you have had them now for nearly a month!

Having read your latest email, in my heart I believe your purpose is to anger me and cause me to disgrace my position through anger. This would be because almost every email I receive from you contains provocation. Not just provocation, but some of it is totally pointless and unnecessary provocation which a spirit-minded man would not habitually engage in. But your latest email is filled with both provocative and slanderous suggestions which you must know are provocations. If you do not then shame on you for not reading the emails I have written to you and so shamefully misrepresenting my claims and position.

You seem to think that you are exempt from answering questions or arguments made. Very well. I will answer your latest email on my web site, for others' benefit since apparently your purpose is to justify either yourself or Bereanism. You want me to believe that 3 fellowship documents is equivalent to 3+2 fellowship documents though math class taught me 3+2 = 5. Clean flesh wants me to believe that 1+1=1 and Bereans want me to believe 3+2=3! You want me to believe that JT and RR would support a kind of fellowship system they neither believed in and one they consciously refused to institute. None is so blind as he who won't see. Then there is something said in the Scriptures about those who provoke, those who embrace false doctrine and will not repent, those who separate themselves, and those who sow discord amongst brethren. Therefore please never write me again unless you have repented. I will not give you time, time taken from my family and other responsibilities, any longer. stephen