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Imagined Characteristics of Reactionaries (Bereans)

11.  All Division is Justifiable

The final characteristic that the article accuses the "reactionary" of having is that:

"All division is justifiable."

Of course no one believes that all division is justifiable.  This is more baseless stereotyping that serves no useful purpose.  To brethren who refuse to abide by the basis of fellowship, enforced in fellowship, they are apt to make such a blanket charge.  It is easier than actually evaluating the facts before them.  Bro. Roberts wrote:

"There is such a thing as 'the Truth.' There is such a thing as 'coming out from among' and 'having no fellowship with' the indifference and error and evil that prevail, however many may have become insensible to the obligation.

"It is the recognition of these that leads to division, and not any insensibility to the advantages of union. The many are indifferent; a few are faithful. Hence the fermentation. It was Christ's understanding of men, and his foresight of the working of things among them that led him to say-- 'From henceforth there shall be division' (Luke 12:51-52). "


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