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Imagined Characteristics of Reactionaries (Bereans)

5.  Pursuit of Self Justification

The author makes this claim:

Reactionary conservatism is based on the vain pursuit of self-justification.

Again, we have to understand that when a Central "conservative" brother comes in contact with us, it is all but inevitable that we will very soon be involved in a discussion on fellowship.  And in this, we feel a very strong responsibility to him, to make our point to him as clearly as we can, leaving no room for him to doubt his responsibility to the Scriptural requirement.  This is true love.

This will no doubt give him the impression that all we are interested in is justifying ourselves in our withdrawal from Central.  In reality, what we are doing is pleading with him to obey Christ, and come out from among them and be separate.  But if this is not well received, then his inability to find the verses which justify his position, and his inability to refer to the writings of our pioneer brethren, will lead him to criticize us and excuse his own disobedience, under the guise that we are immoral, and "always involved in self justification."

This article I am writing, is in fact a testimony to this.  I had no desire to take what free time I have over the course of a couple of days and pound this out.  I tried to enter into a discussion to make all this go away, but I failed.  I'm only doing this because concepts on fellowship, contrary to what I believe, were introduced.  When the Scriptures are attacked, I then feel a responsibility, in Jesus, to respond.  I'm sure the author would prefer I didn't.  I'm sure everyone would always prefer that they had no resistance. 

What our author calls self justification, we simply call being ready to give an answer:

1 Pet. 3:15-16  '"But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:  Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ."

If we are diligent in this, we are apt, in the eye of the Central "conservative" brother, to seem self justifying.  In actuality, we are in all meekness and fear, explaining our position, hoping the trials of your life are not such that they will impede your walking with us in the obedience of faith.

The word "pursuit" as used by our author, is probably also somewhat justified.  We must be always in this position.  So often we are asked why we stand aside, and we reference the original causes of the divisions, the teachings of A. D. Strickler, and the division of 1923.  But then we hear from our critics:  "That was then.  This is now.  Why do you stand aside in 2005." 

Now I personally may feel that no answer is required for this.  It is Paul's prophesy that a little leaven will leaven the lump.  Apart from a purging of the old leaven, the leaven begun in 1923 must have continued, or Bible prophesy is wrong.  So I personally regard the question as unjustified.  Nevertheless, in the true meaning of "love" we do strive to have an answer for this question when asked.  And to do this, we must observe the battles going on in Central today.  So we do "pursue" this study from time to time, not for ourselves, and not to justify ourselves,  for we have no question about the truth of Paul's words.  But we do so for the spiritual edification of our Central brethren, that they may flee the corruption of that body.

But on the subject of self justification in general, again I would note that in Scriptures, it is the errorist which is said to have this characteristic, never the true and obedient believer.

1 Tim. 6:3-5  "If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness;  He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings,  Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself."

Pride in self is a direct outgrowth, and cause of error, according to the apostle Paul.  So before our Central "conservative" brethren attempt to read our minds and motives and place this charge at our feet, they would be advised to first make the position that our behavior is error.  For if our beliefs are wrong, and if we are not to separate from error, but rather feed amongst them, exposing our weak and our little ones to the wiles of the wolves, then that should be an easy thing to show from Scriptures.  And these inferences about our motive, and what is in our mind would not be necessary, right? 

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