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Imagined Characteristics of Reactionaries (Bereans)

8.  Public Stands for our Positions

Next a characteristic of the reactionary is said to be this:

"Activism is frequently engaged in, but the activism is not outreach activism as in the case of liberalism, but usually public stands for the RC position, in the absence of anyone but the already converted, or curious outsiders. This is a vocal minority who has, essentially, no audience."

The concept that we engage in public discussions of why we separate from Central are simply false.  This simply never happens.  To say, as the author says, that this frequently happens, is beyond bazaar.  I  have been a Berean Christadelphian for thirty years, and I have never heard a public stand given against any other Christadelphian group.  I have heard stands taken about the errorist position of other Christadelphian groups.  For instance, I have heard public lectures on the resurrection that includes the fact that light brings responsibility to judgment.  I have heard lectures on the Nature and Sacrifice of Christ which emphasized Christ's involvement in his own sacrifice.  I have heard public lectures on the doctrine of fellowship.  But never have I heard of a public defense of our stand.

Probably the most public stand taken anywhere in the Bereans is this web site.  And there are Berean brethren who believe this is not appropriate.  (They don't like the public airing of our differences.) 

Do we have no audience?  Well, we have enough of an audience to have sponsored this level of an attack from our Central "conservative" brethren.

I'm always amazed that Christadelphians will make this criticism.  Of all peoples, you might expect Christadelphians to understand that our stand is not popular, and we have no public appeal in this world.  What Christadelphian group has their lectures well attended?  What Christadelphian groups has achieved respectability with this world?  Bro. Roberts, writing on the very thing, wrote:

"The Truth has been an obscure and weak thing from the beginning. From its nature it cannot become popular, because it runs counter to human feeling in so many practical ways not seen at first.

"Its true friends know this, and they are not working to obtain public success or even public notice. They are simply carrying out orders. Christ calls for exhibition of the Light, and they exhibit it. Their operations in this respect are necessarily misunderstood by the public which judges from its own motives, and cannot judge in any other way.

"The Christadelphians cannot fail, because they are not aiming at what is humanly considered 'success.'  They are simply engaged in doing their duty in the faith of a stupendous, world-stunning success which is impending, and which depends on no human effort.

"Christ will shortly show himself on the earth, and put his hand to the work in a way that will startle so-called 'Christian' mankind. True Christadelphians plod away with this in view. For this reason, they cannot be quenched by scorn or crushed by failures of any kind.

"The very last things they desire is the attention and patronage of the 'public,' which looms so large in all ordinary enterprises. Nothing is so dangerous to the Truth as 'respectability,' because the Truth is a matter of God's importance, while respectability is an affair of man's importance. The two cannot work together."

So yes, we are a small minority which has virtually no audience.  But God is still calling out His people.   And now and again, He calls someone out of darkness to His more glorious truth.  We strive to have our candle lit and on its basket, that He can call His servants to us.

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