Almost heaven it does'nt get much better than this.
The beautiful things in life we often miss.
God has hidden His beauty every where.
Where His small voice we can hear.
He takes us to a higher place.
Where we can see Him face to face.
We don,t go there often enough.
God searching our heart can be tough.
When we learn to walk in the beauty of Him.
He comes to show us what we need to mend.
We need to come here everyday.
And listen to what God has to say.
In the beauty and quiet we find things hid in our heart.
And sometimes from God we would like to depart.
We know we have to make them right.
To be perfect in our Fathers sight.
We must endure the hurt and pain.
God refines us and grace we gain.
We need to go to and look at ourself,
Though it's much easier to look at someone else.
When God brings us to a higher place.
The beauty within us comes from His grace.
We often are harder on ourselves you see.
Than God our Father would ever be.
So go to that place of beauty with God alone.
Let His cleanseing power in you be shone.
A higher place at the foot of the throne.
In this beautiful place with God alone.
Almost heaven,such a beautiful sight.
His love has no depth or highth.
He is there for us night and day.
In that beautiful place that seems far away.
Almost heaven there is no greater gift.
The beauty around us to give us a lift.
God in His glory and majesty.
In that beautiful place with you and me.
© Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004
Nothing restores the spirit quite
like a breathtaking mountain vista.
It just doesn't get much better than
it is for this fisherman in Almost Heaven.
I love to fish, not so much for
the strike or the catch, but simply because
fishing gives me license to get out into nature.
by Thomas Kinkade Painter of Light 2002
The Painting belongs to Thomas Kinkade.
The paintings are © Thomas Kinkade
and used with permission.
all rights reserved.
You may not copy graphics and
paintings without written permission.