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Broken hearted but loved, Might sound a little strange to some. But to all who have faced trials and strife. God's love alone has taken them to a new place in their life.

We have friends and family. God's love can lighten our darkest hour. Let's not lose faith and moan and groan God Himself,is with us we are never alone.

So many times with my dear husbands illness. I have been brokenhearted. Sad,discouraged but God in His great glory always sent a friend. Sometimes in a poem,words of encouragement. Often in a note or phone call.Sometimes it was just a hug. Many times a scripture He would send along.

No matter how heart broken we are,God loves us so very much. He sends just what we need to get us through the times that are rough. When we are weak He sends us strength. His love is always more than enough .

I know through these last seven years with my husbands illness. There have been many times when I thought my heart would break in to. But I can say God has always supplied. Many times it was just friends and family holding me up in their prayers.

I know when your loved one is ill or something is wrong in their life that it hurts. Your heart aches,there is nothing wrong with being heart broken. As long as we always remember we are loved.

Loved by God and all those who try to be there for us. So if your broken hearted,don't close your friends and loved ones out.They only want to help.

Be brokenhearted but take the time to be loved also. God loves us so much He understands our pain. And sends us His love and the love of others to help us make it through another day. I may be broken hearted but one thing I know for sure. I'am loved!!!! © Sandra Miller/ BigSis/1996-2004
all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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