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God Keep Us Walking In Your Light

God keep us walking in Your Light. Through the trials and tribulations don't let us lose sight.

Your the One who died for a sinner like me. Salvation to bring Your gift so free.

As we travel this world show us the way. That You may be seen in all we do and say.

Mold us, mend us, use us we pray. To help someone along lifes way.

Help us Lord each day to grow. As Your great love to us you show.

And if we stumble or even fall. Pick us up Lord when we call.

Plant our feet on solid ground. With each twist and turn that comes around.

May we see Your face each passing day. And close beside You always stay.

God keep us in walking in Your light. As the battle of life we begin to fight. © Sandra Miller/ BigSis/1996-2004

all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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