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God knows you and me. There's nothing He can't see. He numbered the hairs upon our head. He turned the water in to wine. Fed the multitude with a basket of fish and bread.

There's nothing from Him that we can hide. He's our Father,counselor and Friend He's always by our side.

We can talk the talk to others. But rest assured God knows if we are decieving our sisters and brothers.

He knows all of our needs . Gives us wisdom to plant His seeds. He see's our inner heart and soul. His Holy spirit is with us every where we go.

God knows when we're awake He watchs over us while we sleep. He knows when the water we're tredding gets to deep.

God sees it all the pain the sorrow and the fear. And inspite of it all He still loves us and cares.

It does'nt matter what others see. For God alone can see the heart. That's the most important part. © Sandra Miller/ BigSis/1996-2004

all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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