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Have you ever walked a lonely mile? Or looked at a friend without a smile?

Has your burden ever been to heavy to carry? Mentally,physically,and spiritually your weary.

Have you been so alone you felt you didn't have a friend. You just wanted this ole world to come to a end.

Have you ever been in the valley so deep? You new the mountain in front of you was just to steep.

Well I've been there too my friend. This message to you from my heart I send.

God walked with me through those lonely miles. He replaced all the hurt and pain with an abundance of smiles.

God caught my tears that fell through the night. And He turned my darkness into light.

He took my burden completely away. And helped me look forward to a brighter day.

Yes as I walked that lonely painful mile. God was there with me all the while.

He loved me, comforted me,and gave me sight. He fought the battles beside me with all His might.

We walked hand in hand every step of the way. God brought me through it with out delay. © Sandra Miller/ BigSis/1996-2004

all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.