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A grandfather loves his grandchildren so much. But it does'nt compare to God's love for us.

How much do You love me? A question often asked. God sends the answer His arms out stretched. He answers My child I love you this much.

I don't think we ever new how strong love could be. Until we met Jesus and His love set us free.

He holds the imprint of love in the palm of His hands. The place where the nails were hammered in.

I think of the cross and the thorns on His head. The drips of His blood as the nails went in.

He hung on that cross to pay the debt we owed. Talk about love His really showed. He never complained or made a groan.

Our sin nailed Him to the cross that day. He prayed Father forgive them they know not what they do. He did this all for me and you.

God gave His only Son He beared a Fathers pain that day. Just so His Son could show us the way. Do you think we're worth the price that was payed?

Our life has changed because of Jesus. Others see the change God made in us.

How much do You love me I ask again? Once more He stretched out His arms and He said : "My Child I love you this much." © Sandra Miller/ BigSis/1996-2004

all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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