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What little words, but such powerful words.As I prayed about doing this web page it was to encourage, uplift and support those who are caregivers to the terminally ill.

My husband is terminally ill with a rare auto immune disease. As I walk with him through his illness one thing God has taught me is to let go and let Him take control.

Anyone who has ever been a caregiver knows that many things are out of our control. And only God can intercede.We learn to walk step by step with God at our side.

He helps us to get through the day the hour the minute.My Bob is a wonderful christian man,and his strength,faith and attitude has made my job easier.

He's a real trooper who never complains.God has given him the strength to carry the burden of his illnes.Because of Gods grace Bob has endured all that has been set before him.

He faces death every minute of every day.His fight has been hard and long but he has fought his battle with his head held high.His illness has not been in vain,God has touched many lives because of Bob's illness.

We have seen the magnitude of Gods love.We have seen His power and glory at work. We have seen prayers go up in abundance and blessings come down all around us.God sends you friends to love,encourage,uplift,and pray you through the hardest times.

He supplies every need,His grace is sufficient to get you through anything this world has to offer.Through Bob's illness God has really worked in my life,I have found faith,love and strength that can only come from God.

Life is like a roller coaster where the ride never ends,when you are faced with a illness like this.But If you let go and let God it is a much smoother ride.

I can't say everyday has been a piece a cake.Many nights I've layed and cryed.Many days I've been upset,and angry when I see my Bob in such severe pain.

He has been through a lot and it's not easy watching someone you love so much,suffer,but I can say God has been with us every step of the way. Bob's illness has affected his muscles,he has had bloodclots, congestive heart failure,kidney failure,he dehydrates all the time,and every breathe he takes is a real battle.

But he never gives up,he has let God take control.I think when we let go and let God,thats when He can work the best. I hope and pray that these pages will touch a life,and that the love and glory of our almighty God will be felt. My Bob's disease,has been a blessing in disguise.

Bob and I have learned to let go and let God! For any who are down, discouraged, broken hearted, my prayer is that you too will let go and let God.That He may be able to work and bless you,as He has blessed us!!! © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

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