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My Husband

This page is to Bob, my loving husband and best friend.

The faith,love, and courage he has,is beyond words. His mountains have been high,and his valleys to many.

But he has been a warrior and fought the battle with courage, strength,and a never give up attitude.

His faith and strength in our Lord has won him many victories, He faces death each hour of everyday. He never loses his focus to touch the lives of others. He has been loving, compassionate and always fighting for tomorrow.

He knows not what the future holds but he does know who holds his future. He was given six months to live, Nov,13th 1999 and praise God this is May 2004 and Bob is still here fighting the mighty battle.

He has seen the power and glory of our almighty God, and he knows God loves us so much, nothing is impossible for our Lord, He is in control,and He is able!!! © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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