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Hello this page is dedicated To My Mother and friend. Who passed away at age 52 with Breast Cancer. (1929-1982)

MY MOTHER MY FRIEND She was our mother. A Sister,Grandma, Great-Grandma, and friend. She Loved us all to the very end.

She heard our problems big and small. She Cared and tryed To solve Them all.

Many A time her last dollar she'd lend. Many a broken Heart she did mend.

A heavy burden she carried through toil and strife. She wanted the Lord to be part of our Life.

She cryed many tears for you and me. Her sweetness and love was all we could see.

She left beautiful memories, because of her deeds. She tryed to help everyone with needs.

She wouldnt want this to be a time of sorrow, She,d want us to look to a brighter tomorrow.

She loved reading her bible, singing and prayer. For the spiritual needs of others she did care.

She cryed and prayed for each one gathered here, The love of her Lord she wanted to share.

May her life and death, open our eyes to see, With the love of God how much happier we'd be.

Yes she was Our Mother, Sister,Grandma, Great Grandma, and Friend, And also a christian to the very end!!!! © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1982-2004

all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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