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My Prayer is for a world of peace. Where anger and hate have to cease. A nation of sisters and brothers. With God guiding us to love each other.

My prayer is that children never see hurt or pain. That they never know the feeling of fear. That they see the rainbows after the rain. That they always know that our God cares.

My prayer is for wars to come to a end. With the love of God war never has to begin. A nation that's one united in God's love. Prospering with blessings from God above.

My prayer is for families bound in God's love. Down on their knees praying to God above. Where virtues are taught and Jesus comes first. A family so full of joy their hearts want to burst.

My prayer is for a nation led by God fearing men. Where we learn how to love so our land can mend. A nation that knows God's love has freed us from sin. A nation thats learned with God we can win.
© Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2002
Painting: The Painting belongs to Danny Hahlbohm. The paintings are © Danny Hahlbohm and used with permission. All rights reserved.You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.