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My Testimony

Hello my name is Sandy (Big Sis). My testimony,is long, but I made many bad choices in my life. Many of them caused my path to Christ to be long and hard!!!

I was brought up In the Church of the Nazarene. My mother was a good christian lady.Dad was a alcoholic, mom made sure us six children were in church, every time the door was open.

As very young children we learned to serve the Lord. When we became teenagers our feet were pretty well planted in the ways of the Lord. And dad became a christian.

But as we got older and started making our own decisions in life, I made some very poor ones!!! I married my first husband at age twenty on a hundred dollar bet a man I had only met eight days before we were married.

I found out later that he had just gotten out of prison,and was a alcoholic, I tried hard to make my marriage work,but two sons later the marriage came to a end.

My husband was out with another lady and hit a semi truck headon and killed the three teenagers who were in the car with him. He was Intoxicated,and loss control of his vehicle.My husband was the only one in his vehicle that lived but he lost a leg and had several severe injurys which kept him hospitalized for almost 3 months and then many months of intensive physical theraphy.

We tried again to make things work,I ended up pregnant for my third son. My husband was back to drinking,and running around again.When our third son was born, the baby was very ill.He had water on his brain, a whole in his back where there was no spine,a club foot,he was born breach and had spinal bifida.He died 14 hours later.My husband and I separated not long after his death.

I could take no more of his drinking!!!I blamed God for taking my young son and I started slowly drifting away from church and God.I pulled into a shell,and it took many years to see how I was destroying my life.

I remarried, another drunk, got pregnant had another son. This marriage did not come close to working out,I left,him after 3 years of marriage and left my three year old son with him.

I already had the other,two boys to raise and my husband refused to let me leave with his and my son.It was the hardest thing I thought I would ever have to do leaving one of my babies behind.

But I packed up took my two other boys and tried to start a new life.But failure was all I reached.Failure followed me every where I went I ran and ran but never could hide.I had quit going to church, quit praying and was just running away from life!!!
Right after I had left my son and my second husband my mother passed away at 53 years of age,to cancer.

Well that was it I hated God then.I blamed Him for all the things wrong in my life. I turned to drugs and alcohol,and then I did not have to face or feel the horrible pain that engulfed my inner self.

I stayed so drunk that I did not have to face the inner pain that tore away at the heart inside of me.I lived drunk for the next ten years of my life i was broken ruined.I could go no further down in the pit of sin.I hated life,my self,and everyone else.

One Nov night about 15 years ago now,I left my home to go to Maddens bar downtown. I began drinking my troubles away!!!I set there all day I guess,I don't really know, but at some point I left the bar,and when I woke up it was the the next morning.

I woke up in a rest area,along Interstate 75,in my car. I had apparently stopped at a McDonalds for there was a bag of food on the seat next to me. I had wet my pants was setting in my own vomit,don't know how I got there,or when I left the bar .

But one thing I do know,Is when I awoke that morning I looked up to the heavens and I cried Lord forgive me and come back into my life, and my heart,cleanse me and forgive me my sins.

God reached down with His loving hand and picked me up out of the gutter of sin, I was in. He took the garbage that I had turned my life into and He made It into something beautiful.

He gave me a new life In Christ Jesus.He took my drugs and alcohol away that Nov.morning.He forgave me my sins and forgave me the choices I had made In my life. Since that day God has been the one I choose to serve.

He has gave me back my life. My three year old son I left behind.My other two sons could not believe the change God had made in me.They found a new mom.One who went to sleep in anger and hate but woke up in a life surrounded with love. Changed by the love of a almighty God.

God has supplied me with a loving caring, compassionate christian, husband. Who I have been with,for 14 years now. God has blessed my life,and made me a new person in Him.

The choices we make are our own.If you are taking the road I took,turn back.God Is waiting with open arms for you to come home.He was waiting for me,and now He's waiting for you.It's your choice,please make the right one!!!Choose the one who died for you,JESUS!!!!

I finally made the right chioce.I am so glad that God never let go of me or gave up on me!!!God is not through with me yet!!!I'm so glad He's working in my life,and now every day Is a great day in the Lord.

I can turn to Him In all things.I praise Him and give Him glory for His patience and grace. His love and forgiveness.Now I can say I'm a sinner saved by the grace of God. The greatest gift of all and Its free to any who ask!!! © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

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