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I think I learned most, how much God cares for us when I turned my back on Him. And I chose to use drugs,drink, and turn to the things of the world. OUR GOD Cares!!!

For God kept me all those years in the shelter of His hand.Until I got so far down I had no where to turn but to Him. OUR GOD CARES!!!

I had a sister and brothers that I know prayed faithfully for me in the years I chose to be away from God. But the minute I cryed out God was there. OUR GOD CARES!!!

Since my husband has been so sick,I have seen the power and glory of our God manifested in all I say and do.God has used bob's illness in many ways,and I know that many days,if it had not been for the glory and grace of our God, I would have never made it!!! OUR GOD CARES!!!

God cares for the littlest of our needs to the greatest of our needs.He cares when one we love is sick. He cares when we have a headache. OUR GOD CARES!!!

He cares if we have financial needs,or car problems. He cares if we have loved ones that are lost.He cares about broken homes and broken hearts. OUR GOD CARES!!!

He cares,about every aspect of our life.He said trust and obey,He said bring our needs to Him.He is the supplier of our every need, OUR GOD CARES!!!

How it must break His heart and the tears He must shed when He looks down and sees the hatred and pain in His world. OUR GOD CARES!!!

Our God cares we need a revival of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Fire burning deep in our souls beginning in me and in you.Pouring down from us to our familys,our churches,our neighborhoods,Through out our cities our countrys our world. Only then can we be one nation under God. OUR GOD CARES !!!

I think its time we care!!!!God is the same yesterday,today and forever. He has'nt changed.He is still working miracles,still healing lives,still answering prayers. He Is still King Of Kings and Lord Of Lords He still cares for the least of us,no matter how unworthy we are. OUR GOD CARES !!!

I pray that God will begin with me,and use me to help others by showing I care.Let me be a friend to one who needs me.Let me pray for the ill,and the lost sinner.Let me be a servant of Gods Word,of His love and glory.Let God fill me,and use me,that all I say and do may bring glory to Him. OUR GOD CARES!!!

Yes our God cares lets let others know,let His love power,glory show through us,that others may see and know that. Our God cares!!! © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004
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