The Art Of Love (Graphic Links)
Thanks to all the
artists and designers
that make all these
wonderful sets of graphics.
God bless you all and thanks
to each of you for making
such beautiful things for
us to use.
~Big Sis~
~Sandy Miller~
The art of love is'nt
found in a box of crayons
it's when the crayon is
put in the artists hand
The art of love is found
when Jesus comes in
and takes away the
blackness of our sin
He draws a heart thats
willing to give
and colors it with a
new life to live
others see the artists
work at hand
as hearts are changed
throughout the land
the picture to us
becomes very clear
as God colors us with
a heart to care
He colors our life
with colors bright
and turns our
darkness into light
make God the artist
in your life today
put the crayon in
the artist hand
that He may heal our
land and draw on the
hearts of every man
the beauty thats only
found in the artist hand
The art of love is'nt
found in a box of crayons
it's when the crayon is
put in the artists hand
~Big Sis~
~Sandy Miller~