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Many don't see the path we walk each day. We do'nt leave footprints for them to see along the way.

Many don't see our heartache or pain. Our footprints to them just can't be seen.

Many don't know the burden we carry. They can't see the footprints that have made us weary.

Many don't know the love of a friend. They don't take time to see where our footprints have been.

Many don't see where we are going or where we have been. Their lost in themselves in a world of sin.

When you think your footprints are going unseen. Stop look to Jesus on Him you can lean.

To our almighty God our footprints never go unseen. He knows exactly where we have been Since He freed us from our sin.

Unseen footprints a gift from God above. Those are the times He was holding us in His love. © Sandra Miller/ BigSis/1996-2004

all rights reserved. You may not copy graphics and paintings without written permission.

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