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What Should We Do?

What should we do when things don't go right? Hold on to God with all our might. Defeat satan in his fight.

What should we do when we get discouraged? When your in the valley low. Talk to God, His way to you He will show.

What should we do when a family's been broken? Tell them that Jesus loves them, pray and let God's word be spoken.

What should we do with the lost living on the street? Those with no hope in their heart and nothing to eat. Tell them God cares and that He won't let them find defeat.

God said feed my sheep. Take time to listen when another weeps. Let them tell you about their valley so deep.

What should we do with anger and fear? That makes others think no one cares. Tell them in God there is no fear. How much He loves them and that He cares.

What should we do with the hatred and sin in our world? Taking the lives of our boys and girls. Pray for our nation to be at peace. For anger and wars to cease.

What should we do? The question many have asked. Be God's servant about His task. Doing everything God asks.

We may not change the whole world. But if we change but one heart. What should we do was worth finding out. © Sandra Miller/ BigSis/1996-2004

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