“Brian” I yelled. I opened the door to see everyone packing their bags. Brian turned around and smiled.
“Happy Birthday” He said, trying to be sexy. I didn’t do anything, just stared at him.
“What’s wrong?” He asked.
“Here” I replied, throwing the paper at him. Kevin walked over and looked at it. He had a sad look on his face. Lou always had warned them about this. Just as I was thinking about Lou, he flew through the door.
“Guys, by the looks on your faces, you already have seen the magazine. I’m sorry, but the girls have to fly back to Florida. I’ve made arrangements for you to leave” He sorta yelled. Krissie leaned back against the wall and buried her face in her hands. Kevin leaned down and stared at her.
“Baby, don’t cry, we can still talk on the phone” He begged.
“It’s not the same, I can’t kiss you, or hug you or” She cried. Lou turned around and left. Kevin stood up and grabbed a vase. He hurled it at a rear wall and it smashed into pieces. I jumped a little and went to sit on the couch. The room was silent except for Krissie’s crying.
“Long distance relationships never work” I mumbled. Brian looked up.
“Yeah they do” He explained.
“This is exactly what happens everytime! I fall in love and their taken away by this business” Kevin yelled. Nick looked up from his seat and hugged Katie.
“Don’t worry” He whispered in her ear. Katie smiled and gave Nick a peck on his cheek. Brian looked at me and waited for me to say something.
“I can always get a job in Florida” I sighed.
“Ditto” Krissie replied. Brian was sitting on the other couch opposite of me. He looked into my eyes and just stared at me. I don’t know what happened. I just felt like whatever would happen between us was meant to be. I smiled.
“Hey, I wanna open my presents” I complained. Krissie smiled and jumped up.
“Mine first” She begged. I picked up her gift wrapped in newspaper to see a picture of Angela, Katie, Her and I.
“Sweet” I mumbled.
“OW, how cute” Brian joked. I looked at him and shook my head. The next couple of gifts were clothes and body lotion. Then AJ threw his at me.
“I got it when I didn’t know you were with B, but you two can find a use for it” He joked.
“Do I dare open it?” I laughed. I opened it a crack and gave AJ a look.
“Pervert” I mumbled. He shrugged and smiled. Krissie grabbed the box and pulled out a pink thong.
“AJ” Brian growled.
“Hey B, if she don’t wanna wear it, you can” AJ joshed. Brian smacked him on the shoulder and ran out of the room.
“Where’s he going?” I asked. Nick smiled.
“To get your present” He replied. Brian came back with a brown dachshund in his hands.
“Brian” I squeled running toward him. “He’s so cute”
“What do u wanna name him?” Brian asked.
“UM, Fricky” I exclaimed. Brian gave me a look and shrugged. I picked up Fricky and walked back to the couch. We put in some music and talked. I fell asleep holding Fricky in my arms.