Yahoo Groups | The CanadianShowDogs email list at YahooGroupsIt all started with our CanadianShowDogs email list (formerly CKCShowDogs) on YahooGroups. Created in July of 1999, the list provides a current source of show information for our list members. We currently have over 1800 members sharing their knowledge from all provinces in Canada, many states in the USA, and from overseas. We are the largest Canadian show dogs list on YahooGroups! This is a pro-active list with lots of projects underway utilizing the expertise and support of our list members. If you need any assistance with dog issues in Canada this is definately where you need to start! To become a member of the Canadian Show Dogs list you must register (it's FREE) at YahooGroups or click on the 'gold maple leaf' link below.
Click to join CanadianShowDogs Chat List
CSD Website | The Canadian Show Dogs website on AngelfireThis CANADIAN SHOW DOGS website opened in December 1999 and is designed to be a one-stop purebred dog, events, and services resource. Search this site for breeder, club, rescue, show service, and shopping links for the avid dog fancier in Canada. We are not directly affiliated with the CANADIAN KENNEL CLUB (CKC) but the vast majority of our participants are proud members of this organization.
CSD Foundation | The Canadian Show Dogs FoundationNOTE: THIS PROJECT IS CURRENTLY ON HOLD. The CSDF is our newest project to support the dog community in Canada. Our goal is to raise awareness, and dollars, for worthwhile dog-related projects such as health research, welfare, education, and charities. The Foundation has been under development since 2002. We are currently in the initial planning stages so if you are interested in supporting our efforts join our YahooGroups email list where all our work is taking place. Link is below. You can view our webpage at CANADIAN SHOW DOGS FOUNDATION.
Click to subscribe to CSD_Foundation
Ring Surf Web Ring | The Canadian Show Dogs web ring at RingSurfNOTE: WE ARE NO LONGER ACCEPTING NEW MEMBERS. See our member sites on the Canadian Show Dogs web ring on RingSurf. The Web Ring clickable graphic is shown on our home page. |
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