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The Power... The Power... The Power... Go and get it!
Monday, 21 May 2007
The Power... The Power... The Power... Go and get it! - Chapter 11
Mood:  celebratory
Chapter 11

Nel primo mistero della Gloria si contempla La Resurrezione

A bit under the weather, Lucifer?

Okay, so you have risen, as you predicted.

As it was written.
Lucifer: Same story.

No. It is not the same story. I am not a future teller. I am God. Every thing I do is written by eyewitnesses.

O, we are talking about the Bible now? You know yourself it is full of contraddictions. One cannot make out what you are about.

God: The Bible is my Word. It is thoroughly inspired by Me. There is nothing contraddictory in it. Unfortunately you do have to believe, in order to understand.

It is a fantasy.

Doesn`t the fact that I have risen from death tell you anything?

Okay, okay... you have risen. You triumphed for one day. The day after, people will go back to their normal routine. Which is all about me, not you.

I believe that I have made an impact. And I believe I have achieved quite a few followers.

So, you have yours and I have mine.

The people who follow me are serene and at peace with themselves, yours instead are all troubled.


It is meant to be, I am Lucifer.

But will I accept that? Haven`t I died on a cross for them?

  • Lucifer:

    You`ve done enough harm?

    God: Are we feeling somewhat insecure, Lucifer?

    Why don`t you stop your sharade?

    I couldn`t possibly do that, Lucifer? You have taken away my people from Me. I want them back. I have not died on a cross for nothing.

    So, you want all of them?

    Now, we are starting to understand each other.

    They don`t even know who you are, and what more, they don`t want to know you.

    Is that your theory, or theirs? Are you a bit afraid of Me.

    Me! Afraid of you! Get a life God. I am not afraid of anything.

    My rising from death certainly shook you. You didn`t believe in any word I said. If I created the world and humanity, would I not be able to raise myself from death? You thought you killed Me for good. No such luck. There is a purpose in every thing I do, Lucifer. And my purpose is to give my people their power back because they are my heirs.

    Why did you take it away to start with? And then you say that you are not contradding yourself.

    I do not like insubordination. I do not like disobedience. I have my Laws and they have to be observed.

    So, you a tyrant.

    Will a tyrant be prepared to die for his people?

    Okay you love your people, yet you expect obedience to your Laws. Let`s make a deal, if they disobey you, you leave them to me...

    I do not make deals with you... Yes. I do expect complete obedience, but I also proved that I am willing to die for them to bring them back in the right path. They are my Creation, my children... does a father abandon his children to perdition... won`t he go to the trouble of telling them and try to bring them to himself? Won`t he try his very best to re-gain them back. Do you understand what love is, Lucifer? Or to you it is just a word...?

    There is plenty of love in the world. People marry and then re-marry, and then re-marry... all this happens because of love. It is chemistry. You are just attracted to the other sex or sometime even the same. Ah! ah! Ah!

    That is the envirorment that you created, Lucifer. That is a way to perdition. None of my Laws are certainly respected because your deceits and lies.

    They like it this way.

    What you mean is, you like it this way. However, amongst them there is misery and sadness. My triumph from death is to show people that there is more joy in obeying my Laws then there is in disobeying them.

    So that with your Resurrection you want to show that you have the power of killing them if they disobey your laws.

    No. Lucifer. I do not kill. One of my Laws it is Do not kill. If I kill anyone, what example would I be giving them?

    Then, what? What do you want? What did you want to prove in dying such an atrocius death and rising from death?

    My rising is to tell them, that I am here. I will be always here for them. If I furthered myself before from them it was because I was too angered. But my love was far more stronger than my anger, so I had to do something about that. I missed them so. I wanted my children back. So I decided that they should be my children again, anger or no anger. I want them back. And the only way to get them back was to become one of them and live with them and like them, and show them the way back to Me.

    What was the use of your atrocious death?

    I had to show them that because of you, Lucifer, anyone who dared to want to come back to me, had to fight ... had the greatest fight ever, ahead of himself...

    Because you were not going to release you prey without a struggle.


    With the environment that you had created following to Adam`s and Eve`s sin, there was hardly a chance for man to return to Me, for you would attack that man unmercifully until you would bend him to your will. Look at the way I was killed Lucifer. Was there any mercy in any one? Everyone said "Crucify him, Crucify him.". They wanted Barabbas free! That was the enviromnent you had created. So I had to show my people that there was a way out. I hade to show that they would be able to return to the Father, to their Creator, if they so wished. I had to show my children that their actions, their sinful actions, were just a product of your doing, Lucifer not theirs, because there was nothing wrong in their substance. Their substance was created by Me, essentially good, and it was only sin that made it bad. But what is essentially good can be brought back to its original goodness. So they were not damned as you made them believe, they simple had furthered themselves away from Me with their sin. I came to show them, that I was still there, that I was within their reach ... only if they called on Me. I had to show them, that by following you, it was far more difficult that it was to follow Me. And in order to do this, I had to become one of them, act like one of them. I had to show that it was important to accept that I was just, and that I preached the Laws of my Father, and hence, of Justice. So by looking at me, they finally understood, that Justice could be followed, no matter how tough the world, their envirnment had become because of you. I had to show them that even if there was a struggle, and even if this struggle prooved to be more than what they could take, if they dared you and accepted me and my Laws, then their rewards would have been the highest, because it was the Highest Power that they were pursuing and not the least, or shall I say, no power all, because yours it is only borrowed power.

    And are they finding it easy to struggle, to fight till they die on a cross, like yourself? I mean, that is the example you gave.

    I also gave them the result. I risen from death. So the struggle was all worthwhile. They saw the pain but they saw also the glory which is an ongoing glory with the firm belief that it is eternal.

    You do not have a body any longer, how are you going to keep on showing your people what is right?

    There were people standing close to my cross when I died, they witnessed my life, my preaching, my death, and my resurrection. Those people have documented accurately those events. For the remainder of the people, it is through faith, because when you have faith you are able to see the Mightness of God. With my death I gave back my Father, his children. He has re-established his link between father and son, and he gave back the gifts that were taken away from him. It is up to man now to acknowledge the powers that he has. His faith will make him see all that.

    And if he doesn`t see that? Of course you know that I am going to do every thing I can to make him disbelieve in what you say.

    But my people know that I am the Son of God, that I am God. My people know what I did for them. If man still refuses to acknowledge such a fact, then it is him who makes a choice, willingly. And if they choose to follow your ways even though they know about mine, if they refuse to see, then I will step back, and whatever you do to them, I will not raise a finger to help them. I have done my bit, it is now up to them to do theirs.

    But aren`t they still your children? Don`t you love them? Why would you abandon them to me?

    Because, I want them to come willingly to Me. I Am not going to impose myself on them. As I said, Lucifer, my people have been told what is right and what is wrong.

    But they might find it a big struggle to follow you...

    The struggle will be much bigger if they follow you. For, by following you, they will achieve for sure eternal death.


    You achieved death. So did your Saints and Martyrs by following you.

    I have shown man that I defeated death, and so have my Saints and Martyrs. I am Life. You are Death. He, who follows you, is dead.

    And your great love will allow you, not try to help them?

    As I said Lucifer, it is up to them. I have given them free will. It is now up to them, to choose, Me or you. If he chooses me, there no say in what I will do to help them, but if they choose you, then I will step back.... I will be sad... I will be trepidandly waiting for them to come back to me... but I will not interfere. Sin disgusts me, and if that is what they choose to do. I will step back.

    And will not try to get them back?

    I will always try to get them back... be assured of that, one way or the other. But if they persist... then I will stay away.

    What if they find it so hard to get back to you, but they actually want to.

    If they want to, then, you will step back... because their will, will bring them back to Me. And I will be there by their side. See, Lucifer, the power of my resurrection is that I defeated death, so death now has no power any longer on me or any one who willingly follows me. The worst that can happen to a living being is to die. But if the living being is not afraid of death, then this living being has assured himself his eternal happiness.


    Death still happens.

    Of course it happens. But for one of my followers, death is just a door to eternal happiness. While for your followers death is a door to eternal damnation. That is why your followers fear death.

    And you are saying that your followers are not afraid of death?

    Not if they really believe in Me. If, however, they fake their belief, then rest assured they will be afraid.

    I still do not see the power that you gave back to man. He is still vulnerable to death, to my traps. You have no longer a body to show the route to justice. Where, where is the power God?

    The power, Lucifer, lies on the fact that man now knows who I am, and what I can do for him. The power lies on the fact that man knows that he is free to choose between you or Me. I the great God have given freedom of choice, not like you who commands him to do what you want. He knows now, that he doesn`t have to follow you blindly... if he feels there is something wrong in what you are inviting him to do, he knows that he has a choice... and he knows that if he chooses Me, there is no limit on the way I will be looking after him. And he knows, that if I look after him, then he is as safe as it could ever be. He knows that what he dreaded most, which is death, is nothing but a pure formality, a passage from one place to a much better place promised by Me, the man who died on a cross and risen after three days. He now knows that he is in control of his life, the universe that surrounds him, that I have given to him. What more would he want, Lucifer?
    The Power... The Power... - Index

    The Power... The Power... The Power... Go and get it!

    Posted by bc2/Conny at 3:18 PM NZT
    Updated: Monday, 21 May 2007 3:34 PM NZT
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