Naming Your Persona:
Please do not name he/she something like "Butthead" or a name very similar to those of the main characters of Dragon Moon (ex. Kivestis to Kivessa is a no-no). Pick a name that doesn't sound English-based. A good place to look for a name if you are totally lost is Search by letter or category under "baby names".
Also, a quicker easier way is to go here: Name Generator, and choose a name that way.
Very important! If you aren't that great at descriptions, then at least the rest of the RPG'ers have a picture so they know what you look like. This can either be a persona picture from Dragon Moon Personas, OR the more preferred route to just get a mini/pre-made one from here! All you have to do is email us the description (full) of your character and you'll be sent an avatar.
Birthdates and Age:
Your character was born, right? Yeah... therefore your character has a birthdate. Please include this on your page of your persona. Your age must be from 13-19... sorry if this is not the age you'd like, but the average life-span on Kellaria is 25, so this is the prime time to be alive. Even if you don't celebrate birthdays, it's just the day you were born so we can tell who's is older than who.
Blood Type:
Though this may seem weird, it's fairly logical. Since we battle the Black Eagles, we may one day need a blood transfusion. Another interesting thing is that your blood type supposedly says something about your character's personality. Here's the examples:
A: nervous, introverted, honest, loyal
B: outgoing, optimistic, adventurous
AB: proud, diplomatic, discriminating
O: workaholic, insecure, emotional
AB is the least common, O is the most common, while A & B are equally as common.
Character Attributes:
Examples of things to include in this category:
Likes, dislikes, favorites (color, animal, food school subject etc.), detested things (same as favorites but opposite).
Ambitions and Hobbies:
Fairly self-explanatory. What you want to do when your character grows older (can be something from Earth, we'll permit that since they do mesh later on...). Hobbies would be clubs and after... er... "school" junk and so on. It doesn't have to be social, it can be something like writing or fishing too.
Dragons and Other Creatures:
You don't HAVE to have a dragon to join the RPG. If you don't wish to be a dragonrider, please specify another occupation you'd like to have. Other creatures are secondary, and you may have them if you wish.
Normal rank for anybody who joins is simply dragonrider. You may get promoted if you are really good at this... next rank up is Junior Flightleader. Kaya and P'zaz are Senior Flightleaders (2nd in command), and Kivessa and Tavin are Wingleaders (the leaders of the Citadel).
Weapons Used:
As a regular dragonrider, you only get two weapons. You may pick any two from these: Bow and arrows, sword, dagger, throwing stars/knives, handgun, wristgun. Junior Flightleaders get three, while Senior Flightleaders and Wingleaders get to use as many as they can pack around. To see the Kellarian Weapon information, go here. Also, a dragon's powers are used as weapons.
If you want to see an example of what an ideal persona page looks like... go here.