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Medicine Spirit Shields

Welcome to Dream Spirits Online Catalog, We wish you many blessings.

Medicine Shields

By V.Lozen Brown Bear

The shields represent the unity, with all our relations.
With unity comes peace, health and abundance.
To respect our earth
and all the gifts the Creator has given us.

Bear Spirit

Order No. BRS-011 $375.00

Medicine Shield

Medicine Shield -- $475.00

Bear Spirit/Medicine Wheel Shield

Bear Spirit/Medicine Wheel Shield -- $275.00

Warrior Spirit

Warrior Shield -- $475.00

Mini Medicine Shields

Mini Medicine Shields
These mini shields are five inches in diameter and
are very popular. They also come in a 3 inch size to.
5 inch mini shields -- $15.00

Mini Medicine Shields in 3 inch

Great for give aways. These 3 inch mini shields unique and all handmade by Lozen. See more below. Order no. Mish-1000 -- $.10.00 each

Mini Medicine Shields in 3 inch

Shields also come in other sizes to fit your needs
3" at $10.00
5" at $15.00
12" at $25.00

The music you are hearing is from the Cd "Earth Spirit" artist Carlos Nakai, and the song is call "Shaman's Call" See our music list (link below)for other music selection from purchase through Dream Spirits. We have a large music selection list. Can't find it, ask us. If it's still available we'll order it for you.

please visit us again as we are still working on this site. Thank you.
More pictures and procucts(CD's, T-shirts etc)
can be seen with our catalog, so make sure you E-mail or call us!

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